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Beam - Where is she these days

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  • Beam - Where is she these days

    Anyone know where she's hanging out these days? Last I saw of her she was in Hi-Boss....


  • #2
    from Picture Post Forum.

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    • #3
      I saw her 3 weeks ago in "Whats Up" bar, Soi 6, Pattaya. She looked really good. Said that she worked from that bar now and that the ST rooms were much nicer than Hi Boss.


      • #4
        Thanks Dave. Hope she's off the Crystals.....
        Still remains my fave, wonder if we are ever going to see another shoot/video of her?


        • #5
          wouldn't touch her with a barge pole. she looked good in one photo shoot, now she looks like an alien- u really think a junkie like that is gonna practice safe sex?
          i'm sure she has a good heart blah blah blah but come on, she's erratic and a junkie- chances of hiv 95% in my humble opinion


          • #6
            (Soi8dave @ Apr. 03 2008,03:35) I saw her 3 weeks ago in "Whats Up" bar, Soi 6, Pattaya. She looked really good. Said that she worked from that bar now and that the ST rooms were much nicer than Hi Boss.
            Did work briefly in "So What Bar ?", Soi 6, but as per usual was soon given her marching orders.

            Apparently the boss Hansee came in and found her passed out on one of the sofas with her dick in the air.

            No idea where she is at the moment, but haven't spotted her in the past couple of weeks.

            Ladyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !


            • #7
              (koykaeng @ Apr. 02 2008,22:38) found her passed out on one of the sofas with her dick in the air.

              ah, the powers of youth...


              • #8
                Love will find a way.

                I am quite new to the LB-mongering world, but am enjoying it immensely. After much soul-searching and contemplation, I have decided to quit my job, sell my house, as well as all my worldly possessions, and marry Beam. We will be residing in her snug little love nest above the Lion King bar, Soi 6. When my money runs out, we intend to live off her ill-gotten gains from HiBoss.

                As most of the members here are far more experienced, I would appreciate your considered views on my decision. Please advise.


                • #9
                  An excellent idea - the best of luck to the two of you.
                  "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


                  • #10
                    (iburnsi @ Sep. 24 2008,21:39) After much soul-searching and contemplation, I have decided to quit my job, sell my house, as well as all my worldly possessions, and marry Beam. We will be residing in her snug little love nest above the Lion King bar, Soi 6. When my money runs out, we intend to live off her ill-gotten gains from HiBoss.
                    I like the cut of your jib sir !

                    Love indeed will find a way , this would make a wonderful movie and housewives the world over would be weeping at such a beautiful ending .

                    Don't listen to the cynics , love can be found in many places ,even in the hades  of soi 6  

                    Follow your heart
                    Free your mind and your ass will follow .


                    • #11
                      (iburnsi @ Sep. 24 2008,21:39) As most of the members here are far more experienced, I would appreciate your considered views on my decision. Please advise.
                      I'm fairly new to all this myself, but it sounds like "true love" to me.  

                      Surely all the negative stories about Beam can't be true.

                      Please keep us updated on your whirlwind romance.  

                      Attached Files
                      Ladyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !


                      • #12
                        Ah, finally a photo of the gal, thanks KK
                        I did see her briefly on beach road but she turned slightly and totaly disappeared
                        You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!


                        • #13
                          She could have My little paddy cock for an hour or so, I love the thin ones
                          Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


                          • #14
                            I know
                            No honey, no money!!


                            • #15
                              (iburnsi @ Sep. 24 2008,15:39) Love will find a way.

                              I am quite new to the LB-mongering world, but am enjoying it immensely. After much soul-searching and contemplation, I have decided to quit my job, sell my house, as well as all my worldly possessions, and marry Beam. We will be residing in her snug little love nest above the Lion King bar, Soi 6. When my money runs out, we intend to live off her ill-gotten gains from HiBoss.

                              As most of the members here are far more experienced, I would appreciate your considered views on my decision. Please advise.
                              congratulations, its always nice to hear a happy ending. all the best for the future.

