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Hormone Premarin

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  • Hormone Premarin

    I've been doing a private survey. I ask every ladyboy I take what hormones they take.

    I was surprised that many take Premarin, made from the urine of pregnant mare's (horses).

    Surprised because I thought it had been proven to be not so good.

    Also some take Premarin and Bovamine (?) to make their skin white.

    Any knowledgeable geeks out there can comment on this? Also, I haven't found a place that sells hormones in transdermal way (patch). Anyone know?


  • #2
    OK... Hands up who didn't know that a mare was a girly horse?

    There are more than 500 ranches in the US that do nothing except take the piss... (from pregnant horses!) This drug has been around longer than I have and is the most popular prescription drug for ladies.

    Here's an interesting article for ya, Ziggy...


    • #3
      I have been drinking lots off pussy juice...pussy piss from GGs ...What will that do to me??
      I'm 49 and still got all my hair..And very few gray..Do you think thats got anything to do with it....
      So many Ladyboys so little time..


      • #4
        (69billy @ Apr. 29 2006,09:53) I have been drinking lots off pussy juice...pussy piss from GGs ...What will that do to me??
        Are there any signs of breast development?
        Do you keep playing with your hair?

        Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

        "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


        • #5
          Well, I was gonna shift this to the Academia forum, but not now!


          • #6
            Premarin is a classic and still prescribed by docs in the west as well. Has she tried Diane already?



            • #7
              Well, I read one book that said Premarin is not great, and that anyone taking hormones should take "synthetic bioidentical" hormones. Premarin, no great surprise, given it comes from pregnant horse's piss, is not bioidentical to a the female human's estrogen.


              • #8
                (69billy @ Apr. 29 2006,15:53) ziggystardust
                I have been drinking lots off pussy juice...pussy piss from GGs ...What will that do to me??
                I'm 49 and still got all my hair..And very few gray..Do you think thats got anything to do with it....  
                Pee is full of alot of great things... and having a girl pee on you or in your mouth can be very exciting and a huge turn-on because it's full of Hormones and Pheromones!

                Just read this... it just might be what's keeping you so youthful.



                • #9
                  (stogie bear @ Apr. 29 2006,10:45) OK... Hands up who didn't know that a mare was a girly horse?

                  There are more than 500 ranches in the US that do nothing except take the piss... (from pregnant horses!) This drug has been around longer than I have and is the most popular prescription drug for ladies.

                  Here's an interesting article for ya, Ziggy...

                  leave it up to a bunch of pharmacists and doctors to take the creativity and fun out of things:

                  premarin was nameed because it came from pre(gnant) mares.

                  lasix was named because it la(sts) six hours. hell i could have come up with these kind of names.

                  on a completely different topic.....i would have loved being in on that meeting where someone suggested collecting horse urine for meds. i suppose it could be stranger given that some antibiotics started from molds. go figure.
                  This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
                  Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
                  Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain
                  And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!


                  • #10
                    Just discovered an entire site dedicated to the bad effects of Premarin.


                    It says there are lots of causes of high blood pressure and severe heart impacts, as well as the fact the mare's are cruelly treated; entire sites dedicated to the cruelty of mare's donating their urine for estrogen!


                    • #11
                      I know a lot of these girls are definately causing severe heart impacts.


                      • #12
                        Hey Ziggy,

                        When you do your unofficial research, do you walk up to the girls and say, "Hello Ma'am, would you like to take my poll"

                        (you have to say it out loud)


                        • #13
                          This is an important topic, I think, because so many ladyboys fall in the category of long-term, (often too) high-dose use. One might argue for using something bioidentical to human compounds, but the critical point is that current data (mostly on woman) strongly points toward significant long-term risks of prolonged, high-dose use of hormones, regardless of the specific formulation. The risks compound especially when estrogen is combined with progesterone. Because the largest US-based study to date was poorly controlled, however, it will be some time before we get a clear picture of the problem....I mean when lovers and admirers of ladyboys can urge ladyboy friends towards the best, safe practices for their long-term health.


                          • #14
                            my first ever serious hormone was Premarin and it did not have a good effect on me...i got very big bumps on my legs which looked like some blood accumulated on it and it was so painful to move....i quit it and gave the rest of the meds to my friends....i shifted to Estrofem and Androcur and have been feeling really excellent and all woman since! hehe
                            My Facebook
                            PHILIPPINES: +639153569810


                            • #15
                              Actually, there are tons of studies on hormones being used for long times, but they are all about women.

                              I have yet to find even one decent "study" on estrogen taken by men. I asked a few doctors why not, and they said, "It is not a topic considered desirable for a good doctor to research, and who would pay for something like that?".

                              We're not an un-biased society just yet.

