In every long term dating relationship I have been in with a LB, I have insisted that - if they are inclined to take hormones - they "do it right' by seeking professional medical assistance and regular follow-up testing
Based on these experiences, it is my estimation that your knowledge in this matter not only meets or exceeds that of every endocrinologist I have personally met, but is very likely equal to that 2% of physicians in the world who have practical experience in transgender HRT
Rather than seeking further knowledge on this board, I would recommend you correspond directly with one of those "2%'ers" (typically surgeons who specialize in SRS or endocrinologists who specialize in transgender HRT) to get your answers
I suspect these MDs would be delighted to discuss these issues with anyone - even with a layperson - whose knowledge puts them on a par with their own
As you reside in a location where clinical and anecdotal misconceptions abound - with consequential ill effects (both short and long term) for transgendered HRT patients - I suspect they would likely respond favorably to any opportunity to spread correct knowledge, or otherwise help out in any way
Thanks for your questions and your work in this important matter, and good luck in your future efforts
In every long term dating relationship I have been in with a LB, I have insisted that - if they are inclined to take hormones - they "do it right' by seeking professional medical assistance and regular follow-up testing
Based on these experiences, it is my estimation that your knowledge in this matter not only meets or exceeds that of every endocrinologist I have personally met, but is very likely equal to that 2% of physicians in the world who have practical experience in transgender HRT
Rather than seeking further knowledge on this board, I would recommend you correspond directly with one of those "2%'ers" (typically surgeons who specialize in SRS or endocrinologists who specialize in transgender HRT) to get your answers
I suspect these MDs would be delighted to discuss these issues with anyone - even with a layperson - whose knowledge puts them on a par with their own
As you reside in a location where clinical and anecdotal misconceptions abound - with consequential ill effects (both short and long term) for transgendered HRT patients - I suspect they would likely respond favorably to any opportunity to spread correct knowledge, or otherwise help out in any way
Thanks for your questions and your work in this important matter, and good luck in your future efforts
