(buttafly @ Jun. 03 2007,23:03) repeat after me;
people who remove their penis by any quack who calls himself a 'doctor' are not "ladies"....they are men with their penises removed. they can NEVER have an orgasm again, despite what their minds, their boyfriends and their wishful thinking tells them, and their new "pussy" will never look nor feel like a real vagina, despite what ziggy says here; sorry I'm just not buying it and 90% of all people I know who know even a little bit about ladyboys agree with me on these 2 points. I would venture I know more posties than anyone who reads here so I speak from experience and will happily speak up for the 90% who have thoughts on this subject.
people who remove their penis by any quack who calls himself a 'doctor' are not "ladies"....they are men with their penises removed. they can NEVER have an orgasm again, despite what their minds, their boyfriends and their wishful thinking tells them, and their new "pussy" will never look nor feel like a real vagina, despite what ziggy says here; sorry I'm just not buying it and 90% of all people I know who know even a little bit about ladyboys agree with me on these 2 points. I would venture I know more posties than anyone who reads here so I speak from experience and will happily speak up for the 90% who have thoughts on this subject.

why no Amens...Amens....Amens...
