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There is a God

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  • There is a God

    There is a God.

    I have met one of his subjects. Passy. Posted on picture post forum. She is now cut. About 1 month ago.

    It is the most magnificant cut I have ever seen in my life. It was based on a new technique referred to by my LB friend, as "3-folds". What it means practically is that the doctor reproduces an inner and outer labia (vs typically just an outer, and a pale attempt at an inner). Passy was the first patient to get this technique in Bangkok.

    In the, er, name of science, I examined the results carefully. Very carefully. In the name of science remember. Every detail was examined. In the name of science. Every piece of skin touched. In the name of science. Sex was held. All in the name of science. And science is grateful.

    God's name is Dr. Kamol.

    All Post-Op Lovers should start praying to him immediately, for there is no greater Post-Op producer on this lonely planet.

    Please chant after me...Dr. Kamol, Dr. Kamol, Dr. Kamol. It is a mantra that should be repeated.

    Then, visit his clinic, and follow any LB that exits it (in the name of science). For without doubt, she is now a post-op angel, thanks be to God.


  • #2
    Yikes, you appear to have set your deity targets lower than those maroons who proselytize outside NEP. Sample size equals one. Please post your follow-up reports at 1, 5 and 10 years.


    • #3
      Will do follow-up yearly (in the interest of science that is).

      I anxiously look to increase my sample size.


      • #4
        Where is Dr. Kamol's clinic and is there a web site link to it?


        • #5
          Do you have pictures?


          • #6
            After samplying God's work, after the recommended 2 month waiting period before sex, I must say, he really is a God.

            I have never been with a post-op whose feeling (for me and for her) seemed so naturally GG like.

            I believe this guy is really doing great work, and at a reasonable price (125,000 Baht).


            • #7
              Dr. Kamol's website:

              Dr. Kamol

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              • #8
                (ziggystardust @ Apr. 23 2007,02:10) Will do follow-up yearly (in the interest of science that is).

                I anxiously look to increase my sample size.
                Larger sample size is, of course, absolutely critical here in the name of robust scientific and academic analysis

                So, Ziggy, what's her phone number.....I want to shag her as well and increase the shagger sample size to two!

                ...and Stogie thinks academics are crazy?
                Mister Arse


                • #9
                  funny  post  as usual regarding these people

                  repeat after me;

                      people who remove their penis by  any quack who calls  himself a 'doctor' are not "ladies"....they are men with their penises removed.  they can NEVER  have an orgasm again, despite what their minds, their boyfriends  and their wishful thinking tells them, and their new "pussy" will never look nor feel like a real vagina, despite  what  ziggy says here; sorry I'm  just not buying it and 90% of all people I know who know even a little bit about ladyboys agree with me on these 2 points.  I would venture I know more posties than anyone who reads here so I speak from experience and will happily speak up for the 90% who have thoughts on this subject.

                   you  10%  make for some good laughs however!!

                  another thing these werido post-ops can never do besides never having  sexual feelings again....have a baby.

                  so how can they be a lady???

                    A Doctor as a God?  gimme a break, he should be locked up with the rest of 'em for destroying these young mens'  lives.
                  Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
                  -Dennis Miller


                  • #10
                    So your back are you buttafly
                    Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                    Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                    • #11
                      Not really......I just can't sit back and read pure stupidity without adding in my 2 cents

                        posts on hooligans, pre-ops with brains,and some other shit on this message board make me smile and even want to contribute at times, but reading crap like this just makes me pissed and makes me want to add in some truth and common sense at times,  it's good for ones  soul and to WAKE UP the small percentage who believe this type of nonsense; it's amazing that any adults could, really.

                      don't worry, I won't get into the main rooms now and spoil all the fun, but this room is kind of a running joke anyway and this thread is the biggest joke of 'em all and surely an april fool's joke, no?

                       how ya' doin  Dave???

                      Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
                      -Dennis Miller


                      • #12
                         I'm fine thanks buddy, it was nice to have met you in person at last  

                        Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                        Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                        • #13
                          (buttafly @ Jun. 03 2007,10:03) funny  post  as usual regarding these people

                          repeat after me;

                              people who remove their penis by  any quack who calls  himself a 'doctor' are not "ladies"....they are men with their penises removed.  they can NEVER  have an orgasm again, despite what their minds, their boyfriends  and their wishful thinking tells them, and their new "pussy" will never look nor feel like a real vagina, despite  what  ziggy says here; sorry I'm  just not buying it and 90% of all people I know who know even a little bit about ladyboys agree with me on these 2 points.  I would venture I know more posties than anyone who reads here so I speak from experience and will happily speak up for the 90% who have thoughts on this subject.

                           you  10%  make for some good laughs however!!

                          another thing these werido post-ops can never do besides never having  sexual feelings again....have a baby.

                          so how can they be a lady???

                            A Doctor as a God?  gimme a break, he should be locked up with the rest of 'em for destroying these young mens'  lives.
                          You are sexually attracted to their dicks, creating a conflict of interest that obscures objectivity. Who cares about your biased opinions?

                          Further, reading your rant is like reading the fervent ravings of some opinionated Christian. Your words are over-the-top and sound prejudiced, not informed.


                          • #14
                            I have to question if you've ever been with a postie based on that. Aside from conflicting with pretty much everything written on the subject, as well as all medical and legal practice changes recently, it bears no resemblance to most of our experiences, and I think many of us have had equal and, it seems, far deeper experiences than you. That some and more recently, most (due to new techniques), posties can enjoy sex and cum is a very simple and basic fact.

                            It also always has confused me how you hate the very gender that has given you all your wealth. Some would call that extreme hypocrisy. And given people are often tuned in to real feelings, it might explain why your postie partners never enjoy sex nor cum.

                            I've turned off getting into rabid debates after the last 'respect' one too, but when I see stupidity, I think I have to chime in as well.


                            • #15
                              BF, you are enjoying stirring up the pot again, but you are bringing up the same points as the last couple of times. Clearly whatever we write, whatever doctors publish, whatever postops (non-Thai even) say, you will not believe. Reminds me of a certain US president!

                              As for one of your new points - that since they cannot have babies they cannot be women. This is a point that is incredibly short sighted. There are plenty of women who cannot have children for various reasons, so now do they stop being women? There are also intersex conditions where XY babies are not sensitive to testosterone, so they feminize appearing totally female and often quite attractive. They only discover their condition when they reach puberty and cannot menstruate. So, according to your arguments they are men? Look up androgen insensitivity syndrome and you will get the idea that this is nature's version of SRS.

                              Some other things - you have said so often in the past that lbs say what we want to hear - so if they know you don't like postops, do you think they will tell you that there are happy postops who can orgasm? Something you like to hear?

                              I do not dispute that there are bad results out there by less than competent drs. I have met a few, but I have also met a number of postops who have had good results.

                              I also find it hard to understand your attitude towards lbs/ts that has enabled you to have the lifestyle you enjoy today. Of course most of the lbs you have met and attempted relationships with are all from the P4P arena. This would not be a sample that could be representative of all lbs.

                              So, continue on your way of not believing (yes, and everything will be ok in Iraq!) and we will continue to disagree!

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