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Skype it

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  • Skype it

    I was on and off the Phone all day today to USA, China , Hong Kong, UK etc etc and calls to my office cost nothing and the rest come to 4 USD total. No wonder they hide the headsets in Hong Kong Hotel business centres.

    My phone bill usually comes to 1000s of bahts. or hundreds of dollars. Skype sends the call over the broadband network and then piggybacks onto national phone lines. Its going to be banned in France next month.

    That Swedish guy who invented it deserves a medal. The National Telecoms providers are fucked in the long term.

    Its very easy to use as well,

    Trust me you never need to use the Hotel Phone ever again , just go to the internet shop and use the headset. The shops you see which advertise cheap international call are just plugging a normal telephone into the computer via an adaptor and charging you the earth.

  • #2
    good advice . I save shit loads using Skype and u know where the money i save goes


    • #3
      You only need to learn this lesson once about using the Hotel phone even for local calls. Jesus H. Christ I got a bill about four years from my Hotel upon checkout and saw what local calls cost me, that did for me.


      • #4
        i don't Skype yet since I don't have a headphone and Mike, and don't have the expertise to judge their business model but I do appreciate their transperancy.  The make it quite clear exactly what charges will be incurred when using SkypeOut.


        • #5
          Yes Skype is great and works in Thailand with a high speed connection. I even had my home phone number on my laptop using Vonage which also works great in LOS. My hotel phone charges use to be the biggest thing billed to my room.... not anymore! The biggest thing was a few drinks the girls drank from my fridge .... but they needed a drink after all that sucking! ahhahahaha


          • #6
            Originally posted by (PigDogg @ Mar. 05 2006,01:49)
            i don't Skype yet since I don't have a headphone and Mike
            I use a USB handset... To me it's more like a real phone and I like that.

            I got one for $10.00



            • #7
              Originally posted by (PigDogg @ Mar. 05 2006,01:49)
               The make it quite clear exactly what charges will be incurred when using SkypeOut.
              Keep in touch with free video chat, messaging & affordable international calls. Create instant online video calls with one click, no download required. 

              you can use Skype in 5 minutes. Juts go to the internet centre that has headphone. down load takes one minute
              It sends the signal over the Broadband or ADSL network
              So ADSL is a must for it to work but most places are on this.

              pre pay
              You pay about 15 USD dollars and that will last for ages
              Say you phone from Thailand to Alaska, you just pay the local Alaska rate., or local UK rate or local rate hwerever you phone.

              Computer to Computer is FREE. My office has a USB phone plugged in the Broadband PC and so all my calls are free to the office.

              I invested to make USB phones and adaptors in China thats how i know. Ive submitted two models to Skype for approval.


              • #8
                Originally posted by (Tomcat @ Mar. 06 2006,11:17)
                Originally posted by (PigDogg @ Mar. 05 2006,01:49)
                 The make it quite clear exactly what charges will be incurred when using SkypeOut.
                Keep in touch with free video chat, messaging & affordable international calls. Create instant online video calls with one click, no download required. 

                you can use Skype in 5 minutes. Juts go to the internet centre that has headphone. down load takes one  minute
                It sends the signal over the Broadband or ADSL network
                So ADSL is a must for it to work but most places are on this.

                pre pay
                You pay about 15 USD dollars and that will last for ages
                Say you phone from Thailand to Alaska, you just pay the local  Alaska rate., or local UK rate or local rate hwerever you phone.

                Computer to Computer is FREE. My office has a USB phone plugged in the Broadband PC  and so all my calls are free to the office.

                I invested to make USB phones and adaptors in China thats how i know. Ive submitted two models to Skype for approval.
                Tomcat, is this the one you make in China? This is what I'm using and it's just the run of the mill USB handset that works on both Skype and Vonage VOIP. You don't need any approvals from Skype... you just plug it in and away you go.


                • #9
                  We have a partner in China called Perfectone and they make about 30 models. The one i sell is a two piece without Skype approval.

                  You can sell 10 times more to the market with the official Skype logo although they do put restrictions on how u market the product. Its just a marketing ploy...

                  We also making a mini travel headset that fits in a cigarette box size pouch.

                  PS i tried to add the picture but it wont allow me.

