Recent posts have made me think that it might be useful to pin some language guides to the top of this board. What do you guys think?
I can help with Japanese and Chinese, and have a few things to offer for Korean, and perhaps a little Spanish, though my days of looking for Spanish speaking LBs are long past (that was circa 1995-96, when Roberta Close, admittedly of Brasil, was big news).
Naturally, others would have to assist with Thai, Spanish, German, Portuguese... On top of all this, I'm not a native speaker of any of the CJK languages, so I'm just offering up stuff useful for search engines and prowling for LBs.
It won't win you any language awards.
And, it would be helpful to have a list of terms to be translated. You know that I'm only interested in posties, so I'd probably lose interest if there were requests like "Will you cum in my mouth" or "How big is your dick?"
I can help with Japanese and Chinese, and have a few things to offer for Korean, and perhaps a little Spanish, though my days of looking for Spanish speaking LBs are long past (that was circa 1995-96, when Roberta Close, admittedly of Brasil, was big news).
Naturally, others would have to assist with Thai, Spanish, German, Portuguese... On top of all this, I'm not a native speaker of any of the CJK languages, so I'm just offering up stuff useful for search engines and prowling for LBs.

And, it would be helpful to have a list of terms to be translated. You know that I'm only interested in posties, so I'd probably lose interest if there were requests like "Will you cum in my mouth" or "How big is your dick?"
