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Bkk trip info

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  • Bkk trip info

    I'm planning a trip to BKK in late August. I plan to stay for a week and visit my favorite ladyboys. I want to stay at the Swan Inn (about 500-550 bahts?) (does any1 know another good spot that's closer to nana plaza?)
    My question is this. How much would it run me to stay with a ladyboy on average? And what are some pitfalls that you can help a newbie like myself avoid?

  • #2
    Why do you want to stay in a run down and seedy "flop house"? Since this is your first holiday to Bangers I suggest you upgrade yourself to the Majestic Suites Hotel or if you want to be right in the action then there is no better place than the Nana Hotel. By stay with an LB do you mean Short time or Long Time? You will probably do a lot of "butterflying" this trip so Short time is the best way to go, in my opinion. With three LB bars in Nana to choose an LB from, plus the freelancers that hang out in the parking lot you are like a kid in a candy store. Choose wisely, don't lose your head, the one above your shoulders, and don't fall in love with the first LB that strikes your fancy. Since most of the LB'S in the "game" can smell a Newbie a mile away they will try to get you to spend all your time with them. This is a serious faux pax for you and should be avoided at all costs. You are there to sample, not buy the product. Another good piece of advice is to be careful with buying Ladydrinks, if it appears you are not paying attention to the check bin padding the bill is not out of the question. The best piece of advice, take the same precautions you normally would, relax and enjoy yourself. Sweating the small stuff will make miss out on a great time. Realize beforehand you are going to "fuck up", we all have. The guys here will be only too happy to add their two Baht so take advantage of this forum and you will be fine. Have a great holiday.


    • #3
      Thanks alot for the advice man. Out of those three bars in your opinion which one has the best lbs? And if I get a lb for short time, is it possible that she will try to stay long time? (Is there a big price difference?)
      Once again thanks for sharing your advice dude I really appreciate it.


      • #4
        Its down to persernal opinion but i think cascades gets most votes here.

        Also you want to try standing outside NEP after closing around 2pm as there are many tasty freelancers walking around the entrance.

        St is around 1,000. LT around 2-3K depending on the quality and how healthy yr Wallet is.I have heard some will agree to LT and then try to leave early with an excuse and hope you pay the full fare.


        • #5
          I would have to say that if Cascade Bar has re-opened by this time then that's your best choice. Outstanding lineup of talent, no attitude, good Mamasan to deal with and room to move about. After that, in my opinion it would have to be Obsession Bar. The knock on this place is that the LB's will surround you very quickly, show you their hardware and try to get ladydrinks from you and a barfine A.S.A.P. That said, there is a great number of "lookers" there so take your time and check out what interests you. Now, for Casanova bar. If the Amazon type is your cup of tea that's the place, also a good number of the LB'S there will top and you will have trouble sitting. There are some nice ones in there, Pang/Polly for starters. If you can hook up with her I guarantee you will not be sorry.
          If you appear to be a good guy, are staying in decent place and treat them respectfully of course they will want to stay. Up to you though, remember that. They want as much of your Baht as they can get, so if they offer to stay long time DO NOT give them any extra money until they leave in the morning. None of the Thai version of long time, that being until they get the mystery phone call from somebody who claims there is a problem and they have to leave after an extra few hours. If they are giving you a great time and you want more then by all means go for it.
          Depending on the time you hook up you can get S/T and L/T for the same price. The later it is and especially after the bars close it's a buyers market. At that point if you can drive a hard bargain 1500Baht is good for an allnigher with a top class looker. I would just go S/T at first to get your bearings and to sample the different types of LB'S available. Others here will have different opinions so pick and choose what you think fits you.


          • #6
            Please note the following advice from Mr Stogie his own words...........

            Tipping is not commonly or traditionally practiced in Thailand although it is becoming more widespread as a result of foreign influence. Tips are sometimes expected in the more expensive restaurants, hairdressers and for hotel porters. Don't add a tip in hotel restaurants (where a service charge is added to the bill anyway) or in street restaurants. Taxi fares should be rounded up to the nearest 5 or 10 baht. (Remember; a 1 baht tip is considered offensive.)

            In a bar, a tip is not necessary if you had nothing but a swig. If you took a go-go girl to sit by, you order drinks for her and that takes care of her service. You can go without any tip but then you become a marked man. Next time you come by, the girls may try to avoid you like the plague - if there are other customer around.

            For taxis, you don't have to pay extra because they already charge Bt35 on flag-down. But if the driver brought you back to the hotel in one piece after showing you around without any hassle, a generous tip certainly would be welcome.

            For a golf caddy, lugging your heavy golf bag and assisting you with the direction of your shots and line of your putts, the minimum tip is Bht.100 and the average is 150 -200 and more if you feel like it

            The thing about tipping is, it's not an obligation as far as this part of the world is concerned. It's a gift you give to someone who deserves it. It may not fill a person's pocket but it will make a difference to his or her day.

            Avoid tuktuks, but if you can't then be sure about the price ahead of time. same same with motercycle drivers. Aircon taxis are very cheap and are fixed meters. There are no other kind of taxis and there is NO variation on the rate. If the driver tries to haggle then get out (and leave the door wide open!)  

            Taxi drivers are fickle... They don't want to go long distances and they don't want to go short distances. The answer is to just hop in and say; "Just take me to where you feel like going and bill me for whatever YOU think is fare you CUNT!"

            Don't forget there is a difference between bartering and arguing! Never argue - You will lose!

            If you enjoy the convivuial haggle then stick to markets and knock yourself out. If you don't then stick to the stores where everything is priced or has a bar code.

            Internationally, the rules become even more uneven. In most of Europe, tourists are expected to tip for many services, such as getting directions around town, things considered freebies in America. In China, on the other hand, tipping your waiter or bellman is considered rude. In Italy, customary rates of five percent are given to someone who is asked to wait to render a particular service. You shouldn't tip your hairdresser, but I always do!

            Most restaurants add a 10 per cent service charge to the bill but an additional 5 to 10 per cent may be given, where deserved. When a service charge is not automatic,10 per cent is acceptable. There is no tipping for street vendors, very simple restaurants or food stalls. But the food here is shit, so you wouldn't want to be seen dead near these places anyway, right?

            Personally, I try to avoid anywhere with a service charge if at all possible. I think of a tip as a small personal thank you. A service charge is just a means of hiking prices.


            • #7
              The majority of the lbs in casanova bar like be top?
              Is this negotiable or will i just not be able to walk for the rest of my trip if i choose a girl from there?


              • #8
                Since you mentioned the Swan Inn, I'm thinking maybe you want a cheap vacation. If so, consider Pattaya where you can have longtimes (all night) for 1000 baht.


                • #9
                  I will definately be around in late august. Ill show you the ropes and all the info you want.

                  We can discuss my fee at a more convenient time.

                  see you then, then.



                  • #10
                    Thanx TC, but I do want to try to get along on my own. It will make it more of an interesting adventure whether it's good or bad, but I'm very thankful for all the advice and wisdom on BKK you and everyone else has shared with me. To every1 that has responded to my post I just wanna say thnx a million!


                    • #11
                      Exar-Just a bit of advice that you can throw away if you desire. Take up TC's (or anyones else's) generous offer to show you around for about an hour or two. If you have half a brain, you will take to it like a duck takes to water. As a newbie things can be daunting at first but when you break the ice you will do fine!! BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!!!


                      • #12
                        Thnx for the advice blue ballz. I just may end up taking TC's generous offer, but since i haven't totally made up mind about that i'll wait 'cuz i don't wanna jerk him around. that would not be cool. I appreciate the advice though

