OK, I tried the "search" for 'luggage' and 'packing' and 'what to bring' and surprisingly came up empty -- except for two helpful posts regarding laptops and BKK airport taxis. My various advisors have narrowed my needs considerably, but I'm left wondering about just a few things. I'm told BKK will have everything L.A. has (or more!) but on my bring-your-own list there remain: lube (bringing my fave flave); over-sized condoms; vibrator (hasn't doc johnson's 'pocket rocket' gotten to LOS yet?); and little 'western' gifts for the girls such as lipsticks, funny tee-shirts, panties from frederick's of hollywood. So, what do you guys who've been suggest? And what do you guys who live there miss? I can't bring a good steak, but anything else on anybody's list?
5 days and COUNTING!!
5 days and COUNTING!!
