A couple of days ago I was going to start a comical thread giving advice on how to cross a road in Pattaya, especially now they have this great new invention called a Pelican crossing here
I dont think the Thai's have quite got the jist of this new invention as they still fly through the fucking Zebra crossing whilst the lights are on RED
Anyways, I will forget my advice as yesterday I got knocked down by a Pick Up truck whilst crossing Pattaya Tai (heading towards Beach Rd) near the traffic lights near the junction of 3rd road
I had safely managed to cross the road to exchange money at the Gold shop and made it halfway back as the traffic was on hold.
I glanced left to see no oncoming traffic and thought it safe to cross the line, then "BANG" as I felt myself being catapulted maybe 6 feet in the air by this Pick Up then 'SPLAT" as I landed on my back and elbows
I was in a state of shock for a few seconds and thankfully the driver let me get to my feet instead of just driving straight over me
I had forgotten the Green Mans rule of looking right as well and even though this vehicle was driving on the WRONG side of the road it was probaly my fault
I hope the driver did take a look in his/her mirror to see if I was OK as I hobbled across the road as they drove off, I doubt it though and I shouted a few
, they were a few anxious looks from other Thais too
Seriously though, gladly the driver wasnt going that fast maybe 15mph but if they were my injuries would have been a hell of lot worse or maybe even Fatal.
As it is I was still in "shock" for a while, my back is bloody killing me, my elbows pretty scuffed up and walking and trying to sleep is a pain
Thankfully my ever so cute mia noi femboy ( Ning-Corner Bar) is taking very good care of me bless
, this is one line Im so happy I crossed
I also have my suspicions that titleist had put a "hit" out on me as hes in town as well
So the morale of the Story is as Blueballz would say

P.S. azza, it did cross my mind that the driver may have asked for damages TIT

I dont think the Thai's have quite got the jist of this new invention as they still fly through the fucking Zebra crossing whilst the lights are on RED

Anyways, I will forget my advice as yesterday I got knocked down by a Pick Up truck whilst crossing Pattaya Tai (heading towards Beach Rd) near the traffic lights near the junction of 3rd road

I had safely managed to cross the road to exchange money at the Gold shop and made it halfway back as the traffic was on hold.
I glanced left to see no oncoming traffic and thought it safe to cross the line, then "BANG" as I felt myself being catapulted maybe 6 feet in the air by this Pick Up then 'SPLAT" as I landed on my back and elbows

I was in a state of shock for a few seconds and thankfully the driver let me get to my feet instead of just driving straight over me

I had forgotten the Green Mans rule of looking right as well and even though this vehicle was driving on the WRONG side of the road it was probaly my fault
I hope the driver did take a look in his/her mirror to see if I was OK as I hobbled across the road as they drove off, I doubt it though and I shouted a few

Seriously though, gladly the driver wasnt going that fast maybe 15mph but if they were my injuries would have been a hell of lot worse or maybe even Fatal.

As it is I was still in "shock" for a while, my back is bloody killing me, my elbows pretty scuffed up and walking and trying to sleep is a pain
Thankfully my ever so cute mia noi femboy ( Ning-Corner Bar) is taking very good care of me bless

I also have my suspicions that titleist had put a "hit" out on me as hes in town as well

So the morale of the Story is as Blueballz would say

P.S. azza, it did cross my mind that the driver may have asked for damages TIT
