Wednesday night at Ezy-
First off: No smoke! Much better atmosphere all around. The sanuk factor was high. The girls who were smoking took it outside. I don't know how he did it, but Karl "The Smokestack" himself seemed free of the evil weed last night.
Interesting that the bar was full of punters, drinking, spending and having a good time, whereas the (smoky) night before, I don't think there was a single customer.
On top of all that, there was good, professional service, partly due to Biaow/Sandra, formerly a Blue Ice looney tune but now apparently as reformed as Karl. There were some fine freelancers in stock.
Nice job again, Karl.
First off: No smoke! Much better atmosphere all around. The sanuk factor was high. The girls who were smoking took it outside. I don't know how he did it, but Karl "The Smokestack" himself seemed free of the evil weed last night.

On top of all that, there was good, professional service, partly due to Biaow/Sandra, formerly a Blue Ice looney tune but now apparently as reformed as Karl. There were some fine freelancers in stock.
Nice job again, Karl.
