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Dengue Fever

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  • #16
    No cure Mr Slim, just stay the fuck away from ladyboy mosquitoes, they sting ya arse big time ! I think there is a spray in Boots for it, keeps them at bay while you get from the cab to the bar, but after that there all over ya like a rash.
    Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


    • #17
      You could only go out in the daytime  -  that way you would avoid them entirely.      

      Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

      "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


      • #18
        I've met a few people who've had the old Dengue....sounds nasty.

        its the mozzies in the afternoon ya gotta worry about and just after it rains.

        no matter how much feckin mozzy spray i put on, i still get eaten alive.
        Especially in ko Samet..different breed of moz down there.


        • #19
          (jimslim @ May 25 2008,12:40)
          (kahuna @ May 25 2008,23:20) If you want to avoid the virus, go to Pattaya and rent a'll be able to outrun all the mosquitoes...

          I got bitten by a purple headed bedsnake in BKK last month around Songkran , anyone got any possible cures while we are on the subject of strange tropical ailments  

          My symptoms are severe , strange dreams , aching in the ballsack late at night , strange residue on the sheets in the morning , is there a cure for this severe affliction  

          the only cure is  vigorous daily massage. Also, try and keep it somewhere warm and moist

          Hope this helps!
          No honey, no money!!


          • #20
            Andremaco, even if there is an epidemic are you going to stay home?? 100 greenbacks says your not.
            I hate flying, absolutely fucking hate it, but i still fly, i have been a twat in the past and travelled to malarial areas without taking malaria drugs. Ok not wise, but miss a pill, and you start again, because you are only starting your treatment with the tablets before you go on the assumption you will not contact malaria. Malaria tablets don't stop you getting the disease, they just help you,with a start in the treatment.
            What stops you getting bitten is precautions like deet,not wearing smellys(aftershave,nice smelling deo)
            i'm going where the sun keeps shining.................


            • #21
              If you take precautions like then you will probably be ok. So there is a risk of dengue in cities, there has always been, even in waikiki beach they have outbreaks.
              Some people get bitten more than others, but your main problems are going to be traffic,fumes and possilble STDS. I bet the risk of STDS don't stop you going to los and i'm sure that there is more chance of that happening than dengue??
              Admittedly the risk of dengue stopped me travelling once and that was from chiang mai to laos a couple of years ago,but was on a doctors advise because i had two tropical ulcers on my ankle from a jellfish sting that went bad. The risk then was to great, he even told me to go back to bangkok until they ad healed or go home!!
              i'm going where the sun keeps shining.................


              • #22
                some people take yeast tablets to stop the bites, i don't cause brewers yeast works for me jokes aside it is what comes out of your pores that attracts the mozzies. I know of people who have taken shit loads of vitamin B, the mozzies won't come anywhere near you, but it is detrimental to your health. i spoke to a pharmacist a couple of years ago who explained that you have to OD on the VIT B for it to work, which is not wise. You would be better off with what ever the mozzie gives you. Get to los and enjoy take precautions
                in all ways and have a good time mate
                i'm going where the sun keeps shining.................


                • #23
                  I have not tried this yet but have heard that some Listerine in a spray bottle will stop mosquitos from pestering you, I wonder how long the smell of listerine lasts but if I know I am going to spend time outdoors at night I am going to try it. Film at eleven.

                  You no care me DIE !!!


                  • #24
                      Dengue is from the daytime mossies and Malaria is from the night-time ones...

                    I'd avoid you as well if you're gonna be smelling of mouth wash 24/7

                    p.s. it's only the female ones that 'bite' and suck your blood, so no surprise there then
                    I've made kathylc  


                    • #25
                      (Monkey @ May 25 2008,23:34) p.s. it's only the female ones that 'bite' and suck your blood, so no surprise there then
                      Yes the male ones go off smelling the flowers.

                      Male mosquitoes drink only sugary fluids such as flower nectar. Both in the wild and in the laboratory, mosquitoes will visit certain flowers and will feed on fruit placed in their cage.
                      Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                      "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


                      • #26
                        I have read these last days there are two Dengue types. The normal one that is like a very strong flu with high fever, stomachaches, vomits etc... This variety is usually not mortal. Only in previously weakened people and children have high risk for the life.

                        There is another variety of Dengue that is hemorrhagic fever and is more dangerous. It is less common but to all the previous symptoms is added a drastic decrease of the platelets. This produces internal hemorrhages in many organs of the body. The forecast is very serious, the illness behaves, in a scale not so devastating, like the Ebola.

                        In Thailand it is last year there were about 22.000 infected and 19 dead. These are "official" figures, as all the statistics in Thailand should take not too seriously. The OMS predicts for this year an increase of cases of 75%.

                        As habitual traveler to Thailand (4 or 5 times every year) my interest was to know if there the habitual residents had some updated info on the situation. I return to Thailand June 25 until July 8 and I wanted to know if there was some sanitary alert on the topic.

                        A historical anecdote. The admiral Japanese commander of the Japanese combined fleet didn't order a second attack to Pearl Harbor to hunt the Carriers because he had high fever made by the Dengue, he had been infected two months before in Malaysia. He orders the retreat, against the opinion of his officials, and the Carriers survived changing the war.

                        Thanks to all answers


                        • #27

                          Admiral Nagumo decided against a second attack because the US carriers were absent from Pearl and he feared being trapped by them.

                          Also he believed (rightly) that despite failing to get the carriers he had seriously crippled the American fleet so there was little point wasting aircraft/pilots on a second strike.

                          Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                          "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


                          • #28
                            You are right. Chuichi Nagumo had Dengue in Midway no in Pearl Harbor. He was infected in the invasion of Malaysia. Sorry is my error.


                            • #29
                              (Andromaco @ May 26 2008,18:57) In Thailand it is last year there were about 22.000 infected and 19 dead. These are "official" figures, as all the statistics in Thailand should take not too seriously. The OMS predicts for this year an increase of cases of 75%.
                              Thailand has a population of nearly 70 million...The first two months of this year there were about 2700 reported cases and 2 deaths...As an infrequent visitor, what do you think the odds of being infected are?

                              The odds of being infected by HIV are much greater....And the mortality rate is also a bit higher...

                              Put it in perspective...Granted it's a very serious virus... But there are simple precautions to take to lessen the chance of infection...But come on...Fear is absurd...
                              "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                              • #30
                                (kahuna @ May 26 2008,16:16) Fear is absurd...

                                The simple fact is that unless you are really stupid and go putting yourself in harms way - you are still far more likely to die of old age in your bed.

                                That or trying to cross the road in Thailand.

                                Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                                "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."

