I searched and read and finally determined that this (hopefully) is the right spot for this question. I hope I don't offend anyone, but I am a straight guy who is a fanatical about getting a great BJ, and the best I've gotten have mostly come from gay men. I am not turned on by another male's cock, only by getting my cock sucked in the best fashion possible. Which is a long way of saying that I'm not into reciprocating in any way shape or form with a humanoid possessing a penis, but I'm an equal-opportunity suckee, as long as the sucker is good at it! Which again is a long way of beating around the bush, so here goes: are there any ladyboy bj bars in Thailand where I can go and get a fantastic (hopefully deepthroat) bareback bj without any expectation of reciprocation? If not, I'll stick with Star of Light or Lolita's or Kangaroos bj bars, but I'd sure love to know if there's a ladyboy bar where I can come in and get a fantastic suck without too much fuss. Again, I hope this isn't offensive to anyone here - different strokes for different folks.
Thanks again,
deepthroat in Seattle
Thanks again,
deepthroat in Seattle
