its become something of a ritual, that the last 30 minutes of the evening is devoted to Isaan music. And i just love the way it perks them all up after such a long boring evening:
No announcement yet.
Cocktails & Dreams Bar 2011
You know, Ceyya could start a fire in the snow in January with her looks! Damn, I must have taken 50 or 60 pictures of her alone and she still lights my fire with her looks! Thanks Jimbo for the shot! It is always wonderful to see your girls! They are a great bunch! All the best!
Attached FilesSeize the day because tomorrow is never promised!
Wednesday Night
Welcome Robi-slo and his "one and only".
NB - the bloke in the pic is not Robi-slo, just some sad old fool using the camera as an excuse to give X a cuddle!Attached Files
Ivor Biggun also showed up, back safely from the Land of Sand, but sporting a horrible looking beard. I threatened to send him back to raghead country, unless he bought me a drink, and barfined Pat.
Meanwhile, a shockingly slow night again, during which i was constantly pestered to pay for the girls to play poolAttached Files
Namcha, demonstrating her licking skillsAttached Files
The girls, late on, practising their Lady Gaga routineAttached Files
Jimbo, Glad to hear that Ivor is back and safe from raghead land! To much going on over there and I worry about all of our men and women in uniform! As to your lovelies Oh and Ghing are looking as sexy as ever!Batman should have bought a big trunk and taken Oh home with him! AS I saw the last reinforcement of marmalade that Ivor brought home for your consumption, I hope he bought you a full sized drink and not one of these mini drinks like his mini marmalade contribution!
Hope you are well and I wish you all the best!
Seize the day because tomorrow is never promised!
not so much as a smear from the ragheaded one, Johnny! And he was so rat-arsed, he says he doesn't even remember speaking to me! Pat had to carry him home!
Thursday/Friday nights:
Face & Ging
Noon & AnnieAttached Files
jimbo, hope that business picks up soon! Once again thanks for the updates and great photos of lovely staff!
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