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Cocktails & Dreams Bar 2011
Thanks to Batman for sponsoring the foodAttached Files
Nicole doing her version of LadyGaga, assisted by PatriciaAttached Files
Thanks as always Jim... for the overexposure! Â Â
Always makes me smile when I think of all these fantastic looking ladyboys putting on such an enthusiastic display for themselves and their customers and often going home empty handed... then I think about the worn out skanks who made it to Europe and charge the earth for a dead, half hour wriggle.
Those performers at C & Ds could be sooooo rich if they worked in London.I'm feeling rough and it's a combination of air and water...
(rusty nail @ Jun. 23 2011,17:11) Thanks as always Jim... for the overexposure! Â Â
Always makes me smile when I think of all these fantastic looking ladyboys putting on such an enthusiastic display for themselves and their customers and often going home empty handed... then I think about the worn out skanks who made it to Europe and charge the earth for a dead, half hour wriggle.
Those performers at C & Ds could be sooooo rich if they worked in London.
And i agree about the effort they put in. There are many times through the year when they really excel: Loy Kratong, SongKran, New Years Eve, C & D Pageant, etc, and the parties, and as you say many go home 'empty handed" - only thai LBs manage to do that with a smile. Love 'em
Jimbo, thank you for the pictures! Uploading two at a time makes for a real pain in the ass but I do appriciate all of your work on bringing the party to us boardmembers stuck away from our home away from home! It looks like the girls had a good time and Batman laid on a good spread of eats for them! Happy birthday again Nicole and Oh! I hope you have a wonderful year!Seize the day because tomorrow is never promised!
Friday Night
Happy Birthday Pat !
I'm always teasing Pat about being "fiscally retentive", i.e. TIGHT. And stingy with her kisses for me too - i only get to snog her twice a year!
A great girl, a real asset to the bar, a loyal servant and total all-round good egg:Attached Files
With no sponsors in her portfolio, she happily went 50/50 on the catering, and sangsom for the partyAttached Files
Faa, tall & sexy
Jen, showing off her buddhist tattoos, and pool skillAttached Files