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Cocktails & Dreams Bar 2011
Did she use to work in the Cabaret Show as a Dancer circa the Tsunami as i think i had her before the wave struck the Tara Hotel and wiped my holiday out as well as several guests.
Im sure its her .. i asked Jim before and he never replied back to me
She is very passable Emma that is and Jim the man holding the boob is the farang owner. He likes marmalade if your thinking of visiting and he will steer you well I am told. He has a sky lab that he tests them out in. I am sure you would feel comfortable sitting at the bar having a glasswearing your 10 gallon hat.
(TEXASMAC @ Jul. 21 2012,12:55) Post 2179, WTF kind of fish is that ??
when he throwed it back in the water it bounced like a football for about 5 seconds...then it let the air out aging and dived into the water...all the ladyboys i know laughs when we have sex.....no matter what book they read