Great find on the old pictures! At least we know where she is now!
No announcement yet.
Cocktails & Dreams Bar 2011
Ct 8982 posted this Cabaret video back in 2010 and I thank him for it! Â It features Emma and it appears that this video is pre boltons for Emma. Â I do not remember seeing this but if I have posted it before, Mark can delete the post.
Seize the day because tomorrow is never promised!
 ..this thread & the forum in general is dying a slow death, it seems just about everyone & even Jimbo has migrated to the LB-69 forum now for whatever reason, maybe the VIP membership is an issue, but it looks like it has few loyal members left to contribute on a daily or even weekly basis now, so RIP LBQ forum .. Â
.. I'm not young enough to know everything, and not old enough to have done everything..
I'll still talk to you Tex.
And I hear Jimbo has left that other site over a censorship issue. He ran into the dead hand of political correctness & had some posts deleted.
He posted his dislike of a certain ethnic group for being troublemakers & despite posting 1000's of photos, he was silenced.
Whether you agree or not, I am certain that those being defended won't be making up for his absence on that or any other forum.
They'll still be troublemakers, Jimbo will be fine & the High Priests of LB-69 will all be basking in the glow that comes from taking the High Moral ground.Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.
If Jimbo34 is no longer spending time on those other sites he could come back here and post some more as it CERTAINLY drives a significant number of punters in through his businesses doors! $$$$
Many thanks to Johnnydiver for all his hard work re-posting the material here. Â I certainly appreciate your efforts Johnny and I'm sure many others do too! ÂÂ
.. well i just noticed there were more trip reports being posted there than here, so I started looking around & found some interesting posts, especially the pics submitted by Teppis, some of the best pics from C & Ds' I've seen recently... not that I dont like the ones Jimbo submits but Teppis added a new photogenic dimension in his pics that stand out from most others I've seen anywhere; especially Kitty, I didnt ask if her pics were photo shopped but she definitely had a softer look to her face than I had seen before.. for the censorship I don't understand what's going on there unless some member complained about it, maybe one of the ethnic groups Jimbo was commenting on, or maybe the moderator happens to be in that group?! Â Anyway there seems to be more traffic there now than here on this forum; as for as paying that forum is free, you don't have to pay to post there at least I never have, it's been years since i paid as a member there but not on their forum, you can sign up for free..
... TEPPIS lens captures Kitty..Attached Files.. I'm not young enough to know everything, and not old enough to have done everything..
Kitty Kat Meow. Well this is becoming Âbut in the light of the reduced numbers I am sure it will be allowed. I love this site as it is easy to post & read. That LB 69 Black & red stuff hard on the eyes. Moderating Ethnic correctness is bollocks. Christ whats worse telling it as it is or craving over birds with dicks in the big wide world. Imagine what their mates would think if the advertised their leanings. Stone them.
And even today. The John Terry stuff I see the coppers are going to charge him for being racist whilst engaging a tackle on the football pitch. I saw it I was there QPR deserve a good bit of harmless verbal. Nobody could hear him but it was on TV so those that can lip read might be offended. Its all horse shit.
Jim is a big boost to the scene and his entourage drew my eye to tip my toe in the ocean and I haven't even been to C & D's. I will gladly take him his favourite marmalade when I visit him.
Thats my sixpence. Happy Christmas all & roll on 1st March for wheels down. Any of you in town then?. I need a laugh as its doom here.
Re: kitty i find the makeup used has big effect on looks when using flash. perhaps she changed this and is reaping the reward. btw still not my style... but a great ass none the less.
Well as long as I can enjoy a good chat here and as long as Mr. Pacman will still talk to me the world is good. Besides I plan on staying here until I win 1 of the 2 Football Contests. And at the rate I am going I will be here for a long time.TEXASMAC
I think LB69 has always been PCorrect and thats its attraction for some one supposes ... Jimbo was never going to last long over there. I never been there and wont be posting any time soon , i spend very little time on forums now as too busy but will always post some pics here when i can
On the odd occasion i do take a look at certain other forums but cant be bothered with the high clown factor , and im not talking about the odd non PC comments. Still , these are not Philosophy Cafes and so i suppose you have to put up with it
It has always been PC correct Tomcat or at least we try to be in a lower case way.
The LB-69 forum is owned by the guys whom are also proprietors of the connected subcription paying porno site, infact they operate a large number of sites which all link together, I don't know too much about that aspect and I have zero interest or involvement in internet porn or their business. Those guys are very relaxed about how the forum is run and they handle everything regarding techie stuff, upgrades and what ever (if any) costs are involved, all they ask of us mods is to delete or censor any racist, religious or nationalist negative remarks (except in banter) also any promotion of other porno sites & photos lifted from them,whether dispalying a logo or not.
Clearly they are not only looking at the legal issue but also their commercial interests & those of paying members whom reside all over the world from many religious or ethnic groups.
It's nothing to do with the way pacman descibed.
Jim has been a valued prolific contributor on the 69 forum since he took control (with NingNong) of C&D's in 2006, we love having him there and in return his fabulous bar is promoted accordingly however, his outburst (and photo) against the ethnic group he ''most detests'' had to be removed, it was not a spur of the moment thing, I left it alone for five or six hours but then a discussion devoloped, guys were chipping in with their experiences and dislike of people from a similar racial extraction.
Intially Jimbo spat his dummy out over that particular incident but has now decided to leave the 69 forum for something completely unrelated which has been annoying him for sometime, that is him not being elevated to a more secure level of the board whereby (rightly or wrongly) a no bar owner ruling applies.
Sure the PC censorship of his piece was the spark to ignite the flames, however he and I exchange private correspondence and he maintains his current exile is to make a stand against those who object to him not being elevated to the forums trusted area.