Jimbo sorry for the delay in replying. As you are well aware I was very keen for Phuket to have its own Section in the Forums and see you raise your profile within it. We now see how your input has continued to raise the profile of Phuket and in particular C&D.
I am in total agreement with what you say about keeping this thread CURRENT as to the activities in C&D. I have taken the simple solution of putting a certain BM on ignore and will leave things at that. Hopefully we can now continue on track with this great thread that C&D is and continue to have a beer when i venture down from the depths of Nanai. I realise that some people get more carried away than others on here and will just reserve the right to ignore them.
Personally I choose not to post nuts and guts dialogues and photos but that's just me. Who I shag, when I shag did i take or not take photos is my call, as is my decision whether or not to post the 'results' on the net. I have no reason to continue having a pissing contest with a certain BM in this thread, as I don't want to get away from the central theme of it (ie C&D is a great place and loads of fun) which is why I have decided to take this road.
I like the idea of a separate thread in and around Phuket. Maybe we can load up the truck with a couple of the lovely ladies from your establisment and drive around the island with the 'big camera'. Phots of Beauties and Beauty Spots, with peeps figuring out or educating them as to hwere we are
Hopefully others will continue to support this thread and keep it CURRENT.
I am in total agreement with what you say about keeping this thread CURRENT as to the activities in C&D. I have taken the simple solution of putting a certain BM on ignore and will leave things at that. Hopefully we can now continue on track with this great thread that C&D is and continue to have a beer when i venture down from the depths of Nanai. I realise that some people get more carried away than others on here and will just reserve the right to ignore them.
Personally I choose not to post nuts and guts dialogues and photos but that's just me. Who I shag, when I shag did i take or not take photos is my call, as is my decision whether or not to post the 'results' on the net. I have no reason to continue having a pissing contest with a certain BM in this thread, as I don't want to get away from the central theme of it (ie C&D is a great place and loads of fun) which is why I have decided to take this road.
I like the idea of a separate thread in and around Phuket. Maybe we can load up the truck with a couple of the lovely ladies from your establisment and drive around the island with the 'big camera'. Phots of Beauties and Beauty Spots, with peeps figuring out or educating them as to hwere we are
Hopefully others will continue to support this thread and keep it CURRENT.
