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Jimbo's Cocktails & Dreams Bar
Annie, who despite taking 5 hours to get ready for work, STILL arrives with the curlers in!
Most people in here would love to trade places with you Jimbo, especially if its in between Ae and C.
Ae's triumphant return is most welcome here as we were getting restless, and correct each other grammer just to pass the time. I have got to find a way to get back there soon.
Curlers in her hair? Shame on Annie. I hope you carry your camera with in case you see her at the Western Union or maybe at a bank so you can post the first photo of her smiling with teeth showing. She does have teeth right?
Speaking of curls, thats the first time I've seen C with some curl in her hair. Love it when lbs offer a little bit of variety.
thanks for the photos Jimbo, now giz on down the road and get some from Soi Croc, I'm missing some of them too.
lol Boarhog! For soi croc pics, look at the other thread. I try to keep the pics on this one limited to C & Ds
here's some more Ae
(jimbo34 @ Apr. 17 2009,14:29) lol Boarhog! For soi croc pics, look at the other thread. I try to keep the pics on this one limited to C & Ds
here's some more Ae
Thanks for the snaps Jimbo. You can never post too many Ae's.
She is so damn hot! Love the tops she wears. My one criticism of her she wears blue jeans too much. She has such great legs, would love to see her in more skirts. You can tell her that too.
Its kind of a catch 22 when she wears a dress, because we get the legs but are denied that perfect stomach of hers. She is the hottest lb in Patong that I never had sex with.
Boyfriends can come and go, but I hope she is still there when I make my triaumphant return to C&D's.
(jet712 @ Apr. 18 2009,06:26) Great pics as always Jimbo
Ae looks fantastic
Looking forward to some personal attention from your girls in a few weeks
Boarhog my friend, you make it sound like I enjoy all this debauchery
To be honest, I always feel a bit awkward about asking the girls for pics but I'll make an extra effort this time.
...and yes, Ae is on my list
We need to keep this Phuket forum going with a few morejet712
(jet712 @ Apr. 19 2009,08:09)Boarhog my friend, you make it sound like I enjoy all this debauchery
To be honest, I always feel a bit awkward about asking the girls for pics but I'll make an extra effort this time.
...and yes, Ae is on my list
We need to keep this Phuket forum going with a few more
I took my camera out with me every night, and then started taking it day as well because i kept seeing things i wish i had my camera for.
Yes I agree we need to keep these Phuket thread going. Jimbo seems to be the only one sharing the wealth.
Good luck many of us a counting you.
Saturday Night:
Very busy last night. We may yet end up having a good month!
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