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Toto & Lulu Beer Bar Review...

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  • Toto & Lulu Beer Bar Review...

    Stopped by for a bit at Toto&Lulu Beer Bar in Jomtien last night. It is located on what I think is Soi Whitehouse (fairly far down the Soi). It is the next Soi south of Soi 7 on beach road. It is a large bar about three shop houses wide. I was way back in a bar across the street and still couldn't get the whole front of the bar in the picture. It's closed in on three sides and dominated inside by three small bar size pool tables (20 baht per game). There are two very nice bars inside but they get little use. Most of the customers sit at tables just inside the bar or out on the sidewalk.

    The bar has a mix of LBs and GGs. Last night I was not impressed with the selection of LBs. Only one that I thought was fairly good looking. I was told there were a total of five. I have seen better selections on other nights. Much like Sally's, on Soi 5, there is an interesting mix of customers. There are guys just hanging out having a few beers, couples, expats and the working girls. Everything is low key and everyone seems to get along together.

    Don't have the scoop on ST rooms but there must be some close by if not on site. There are eight GG bars across the street, as well as some next door, so the area is very active.

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  • #2
    Some of the front of the bar
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      • #4
        Didn't ask her name
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        • #5
          The magic word is xyzzy
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          • #6
            Hey Xyzzy, thanks for the report and posting the pic.    

            I am one of the few farangs that don't bring a camera with me and the first pic is a special spot for me.  Carlos Casteneda talks about power spots and this would be one of mine if you believe in that kind of thing.

            Early one morning about 5 years ago I was sitting out side Mermaid Scuba reading the BKK Post waiting for the day's diving to begin.

            That morning I was looking through the want ads and it occured to me that it was indeed a real possiblty that I could actually move to the LOS where I can have as much sex as I choose with 21 year old girls.  A wave of emotion overcame realizing that the direction of my life is clearly my choice and I can have whatever I want.

            That was my first trip and I had no idea that the bar next door had some ladyboys.  However I did visit Sally's that trip having learned about it from the Questionable Girls Yahoo group.

            Turns out that I later discovered Toto/Lulu Bar and have probably spent more time there than just about anyone reading this forum.  On Loy Krathong it's where i was hanging out before my teerak and I walked to the beach and sent out our boats and released our fire ballon into the air.

            Other unusual stuff happened at this spot.  The first day I walked into Mermaid's I discovered that the owner, an extremely nice young guy, who unfortunately died of a heart attack about a year or so ago, had the same scuba teacher back in the states that I did.  So this guy who was once in the same boat as me, now had this thriving business in tropical paradise.

            Enough about me, Toto/Lulu is a nice change of pace, a quick baht bus away from Sodom by the Sea.  Worth a trip since you can check out Sally's as well on the same night.

            Toto is a nice enough gay Thai guy.  Lulu is a classy, sophisticated  pot-op that travels to Denmark quite often having a long term boyfriend.  Back in the day, she must have been an amazing stunner but she's no spring chicken anymore.

            It's a hit or miss place.  Given the small amount of ladyboys on staff the numbers and qulity can vary quite a bit from night to night and also month to month.  If they hire two super sexy ladyboys in a particular month it's much different than a month when two left.  The ladyboys there tend to be low key, not much drama, they blend in and one might not even be sure if a girl is a ladyboy or not.

            It's a mellow place for a drink on somewhat charming soi. Not the type of place where the girls take their dick out.

            Thanks agin for the pic Xyzzy!  


            • #7
              Thanks for the review... (Good meeting you last night in Pattaya...)


              • #8
                Bee, my avtar was working there about 18 months ago. Fun gurl, looked after me very well.

                Spent a few nights in the Bar and really enjoyed it. Bee gave me extra special attention.

                There were a couple of other nice gurls there at the time.
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                • #9
                  Janabiyah, I've always thought your pics of Bee's nice hard cock were outstanding. But I heard she doesn't have the nic ehard cock anymore? Say it ain't so?

                  Bee knows how to work her eyes, one of the best in that reagrd.


                  • #10
                    Hi PD, hope you are keeping well. Hoping to make a trip soon and find out for myself what she is up to. She is such a great photo subject, you can see how much she enjoys it.

                    A little praise gets big results, so I'm trying to put the complete set here
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