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  • #16
    (69billy @ Jul. 10 2007,05:09)
    (thaibound @ Jul. 09 2007,18:01)
    great idea stogie. pattaya is improving by leaps and bounds just in the short time since i've started visiting the LOS. last trip i even brought some pattaya beauty back to bangkok with me -- and it was *not* like taking coals to newcastle  
    my first question for the 'new' forum:  
    i heard didi's beer bar has re-opened at a new location. anybody been there? care to share location, directions and any info on what girls currently work there?
    Didis bar its no good anymore no LBs only Nock works there..Went there 2or3 times and NO LBs

    1..SOI 7 LB SHOW
    2..DIDIS BAR
    Billy - does Didi's still have the same GG cashier, Pop?
    No honey, no money!!


    • #17
      (69billy @ Jul. 09 2007,21:44) Yes I did see here(ST )...You can find her at the bar ops. the GO-GO bar near the 2nd Rd. end off the soi 8
      I just knew it Billy
      Your got yer Mother in a whirl
      Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


      • #18
        (fodido @ Jul. 09 2007,19:58)
        (stogie bear @ Jul. 09 2007,15:13) Part of that success is due to the Club 131 bar which has very qucikly welded itself onto the Pattaya map

        (despite the insane antics of it's owner)...
        I really enjoy your thoughts
        I'm happy that you are enjoying my thoughts and that you are still in a position to read them.

        Try posting more pics of underaged girls on here and you'll probably find that all your threads and bar promotions have been deleted. It's ONLY because you are the owner of a bar that you have been given this much leeway.

        PLEASE think twice before posting another underaged girl on our forum.

        You are welcome to use this forum to promote your bar and your parties and promotions. Please don't ever think that because I've met you that you can break the law and our rules by posting images of known minors on here.

        I can understand a punter making this mistake, but there's no excuse for a bar owner to accidently post employee minors on an adult website.

        By the way - forum moderaters from all the popular forums talk to each other and you have been warned by other forums about this and in at least one instance you have treated it as a joke.

        We are not as forgiving here... Post another pic and test us!

        Also - if you have underaged girls working at Club 131 someone might feel it his duty to inform the local branch of 'Sisters' which is an NGO transgendered drop in center so that the girl can get adult advice about contraception, etc.


        • #19
          Can someone help me with the location of the Kaos bar/SuneePlazza, I have tried hard to find it so please dont shout at me....


          • #20
            Richmond, yes, the search function is like using an axe instead of using a scapel, but it can give you the answers !

            If you ran a search on "Kaos" with the settings "Posts or Topic Titles" and "All Open Forums" with a search "from the beginning"

            You would have found this on the 3rd page:

            Sunee Plaza

            There is an excellent description of how to get to Kaos on in Tomcat's post.

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            • #21
              Thankyou Mr Rxpharm for your promt reply. Having taken the trouble to do a bit more research on the venue in question I now think that I dont really need to know where it is Cheers


              • #22
                the search function is like using an axe instead of using a scapel
                Ha ha! You got that right, although now that I'm used to it I do find it very helpful...

                Sunee Plaza is on a bit of a downturn at the moment with many bars closed due to either the common 30 Clsure fines or it simply being low season!

                KAOS IS open and incredibly busy, but for us guys it's slim pickings at the moment...


                • #23
                  (stogie bear @ Jul. 10 2007,16:10)
                  the search function is like using an axe instead of using a scapel

                  KAOS IS open and incredibly busy, but for us guys it's slim pickings at the moment...
                  What ..?? No one for the shave...
                  So many Ladyboys so little time..

