The tomorrow's party €“ MISS MICRO SKIRT will be canceled.
Due the recent crackdowns made by the police in several places, especially in Ladyboys Bars, I was advised this morning for someone "inside" for "don't do it" - (The Party).
Probably the publicity made about the event, not only on the web either in all the bars in Pattaya were too much (this time), as I honestly was expecting an enormous crowd.
Hopefully having your understanding, my sincere apologies for those who had made plans to be here and to the ones out there waiting for the Party's report and respective pics.
Faithfully yours,
PS €“ I was also told that the Party could be made in the future when the things are calm down in Pattaya €“ maybe in September, though.
The tomorrow's party €“ MISS MICRO SKIRT will be canceled.
Due the recent crackdowns made by the police in several places, especially in Ladyboys Bars, I was advised this morning for someone "inside" for "don't do it" - (The Party).
Probably the publicity made about the event, not only on the web either in all the bars in Pattaya were too much (this time), as I honestly was expecting an enormous crowd.
Hopefully having your understanding, my sincere apologies for those who had made plans to be here and to the ones out there waiting for the Party's report and respective pics.
Faithfully yours,
PS €“ I was also told that the Party could be made in the future when the things are calm down in Pattaya €“ maybe in September, though.