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  • Thaifriendly

    Has any one had any experience with ladyboys from Thaifriendly?

  • #2
    Originally posted by TS Curious View Post
    Has any one had any experience with ladyboys from Thaifriendly?
    I haven't actually tried it but have met many LBs that are on there.
    I think many of the Thai ladyboys are on there. I have seen many of the are the same ladyboys that you will find in the bars. There is also many free lancers and part timers on there too. I'm not sure if you would get a better deal by meeting them on Thai friendly but you could meet some that are harder to find.

    When we were walking down Soi Buakhao in Pattaya my friend pointed out a ladyboy that he saw on Thai Friendly. She was working on the street right in front of the entrance to her apartment. She was cute but was working in an area where there wasn't many bars or this type of action. I do suspect she would charge you less if you just met her on the street.
    My friend has tried Thai Friendly a couple times with mixed results. He met a couple that were nice but nothing much came out of it. He said the sex was mediocre with the couple he met. While we were there he also contacted another ladyboy on that site and she agreed to come over to the party we at in Sensations Bar. She never showed.

    Finding the ladyboys in the bars is a little more predictable and you can more easily find the right one for you.


    • #3
      Crag has given some good advice. There are some benefits and drawbacks using Thai Friendly. One benefit is avoiding a bar fine - but since that around 500-600 Baht except for holidays like Christmas, New Years, and Songkran (goes up to around 1000 Baht). It isn't too much. A drawback is that the photos posted on Thai Friendly are not always accurate. Some lbs post photos of when they were younger, or photoshop them. Another drawback is that you have no idea what kind of chemistry you will have with her until she shows up. Generally if you have good chemistry in the bar, you will also have it in the bedroom.

      Not all lbs on Thai Friendly are into the pay for play scene, although many are, so you should not directly ask how much for short time or long time, unless they are explicit in their ad. Also if an lb from Thai Friendly happens to steal from you - you have no idea where to find her, while a bar girl can be tracked down.

      In this age of social media, it is tempting to think Thai Friendly is an easy way to hook up with an lb - but you must consider the drawbacks as well.

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      • #4
        The LBs from use fake photos to promote themselves.. When you meet them face to face , you are in for a surprise. Stay away


        • #5
          Originally posted by zingybringy View Post
          The LBs from use fake photos to promote themselves.. When you meet them face to face , you are in for a surprise. Stay away
          This is not much different than meeting TS off the internet in North America.
          Unless you check reviews and stuff you can't ever be sure if the pics are real.

          Most of the Thai Friendly ladyboys can be found in the bars and elsewhere in Thailand.
          The bar may cost you more in a way, but the ladyboys probably cost you less than if you get them off Thaifriendly.

          Plus in the bar you can inspect the merchandise!


          • #6
            I'm wondering about something. If you meet a LB in a bar that she works in then you pay the bar fine to take her out for a specified amount of time and pay her whatever is agreed upon.How does the bar control what she does? Since it is her place of employment, I imagine, does the bar expect her to be there every day or night and to account for her whereabouts and her income? If she likes you and agrees to meet you somewhere outside of the bar, how does the bar know or get involved? Could she be stopped from working in that bar if they find out she is meeting customers somewhere else? I am also curious if you decide to keep her for a few days or longer. Or, even if you decide to have a permanent relationship where she lives with you? How does the bar get involved?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Easyguy View Post
              I'm wondering about something. If you meet a LB in a bar that she works in then you pay the bar fine to take her out for a specified amount of time and pay her whatever is agreed upon.How does the bar control what she does? Since it is her place of employment, I imagine, does the bar expect her to be there every day or night and to account for her whereabouts and her income? If she likes you and agrees to meet you somewhere outside of the bar, how does the bar know or get involved? Could she be stopped from working in that bar if they find out she is meeting customers somewhere else? I am also curious if you decide to keep her for a few days or longer. Or, even if you decide to have a permanent relationship where she lives with you? How does the bar get involved?
              When you take a LB out of the bar theoretically the bar fine is only for a 24 hour period.
              Generally the girls are expected to come back and pay the bar fine again if they are kept out for 2 or more nights.
              This varies depending on the ladyboy and the bar I have found.
              If you take a full time high earner from a bar you most likely will have to pay the bar fine every night you spend with them.
              Many times they have only required me to pay it for 3 days then they never asked again.

              Some that are part time or freelancers have few obligations to the bar and the initial bar fine is all you may pay.
              The ladyboys that are full time in the bar agree on a wage and make a commitment to work X number of nights per week.
              So if they don't show up for work or want to leave early the bar fine must be paid or they will lose their spot in the bar.
              Even if they are sick often they have to pay their own bar fine to stay home.

              If you meet a girl on Thaifriendly, for example, you would have no obligation to pay a bar fine, even if they work in a bar.
              Assuming she has made an agreement to work at the bar, she may have to pay the bar fine for any nights she spends with you.
              Still if you meet a LB in a bar and then contact her privately the next trip, the bar cannot do anything about it.
              The ladyboy may have obligations but you shouldn't have any, unless you actually step foot in the bar and take her from there.

              If you are living with or dating someone working in the bar, I would not pay a barfine.
              The girlfriend may only have to pay a bar fine if she went with a customer in the bar or missed a nights work.
              However my girlfriend wouldn't be working in the bar either, so that would not be an issue.

              Overall the bar fine gives you some piece of mind that the girls won't take off with your stuff or some other bad thing.
              You can always go back to the bar for satisfaction and most don't want to lose their jobs.



              • #8
                Excellent info. Appreciate it.


                • #9
                  definitely try to check her out on skype first, that is imperative
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                  • #10
                    I agree, anyone from opposite sex or LB, i always first skype and check out and particularly with LB, check out her cock etc.


                    • #11
                      lol i was more going for check out face and make sure its same person, maybe check to see if fat...... but checking cock works too i guess haha
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