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Sensations Bar new location grand opening

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  • Sensations Bar new location grand opening

    While we were in Pattaya we went to the grand opening party of the new Sensations Bar.
    They have now moved to a new location with 6 guest rooms above the bar. A fully air-conditioned bar with pool table and wide-screen TV, plus there's a large veranda for the smokers. Located on Soi 21 just off Soi Buhkao. Open from mid-afternoon until 2am.
    The place was packed inside and out but the power went out as this was the first time they were trying out the bar in full action. The patio doors were open with the AC blasting full and with all the BTUs coming off warm bodies and everything being turned on, it was too much for the circuits to bear. In Thai fashion a guy showed up with a big pair of pliers and a huge screwdriver and fucked around with the wiring until he got it working again.
    Over all it was a fun party but it was pretty crazy, kind of hard to get a drink as everyone was not used to the new bar set up or having so many customers. This was more customers than i ever saw at the old Sensations anytime I was there.
    We had a good time but i wish I got more pics, there really was alot of guys compared to ladyboys on this night however. I think most of the ladyboys were too busy slinging drinks and stuff to be visible much also. Fantastic food spread on the pool table.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    I forgot about my little Issan LB in the yellow dress there, but she was allot of fun that nite. We just had a great time all nite long!

    She had fake braces on her teeth for effect. Thats first time ever i have heard of this!

    AHHHH Pattaya!



    • #3
      Sensations was packed that nite... getting a drink was work!.I chose to pay every time I got a beer or three to keep things square... They still were running tabs with allot of patrons which must have been a hellish situation at the end of the nite for them....But it was a good party and was catered well.. Going back the following night, it was a sharp contrast with it being a more normal pace and you could actually move around the bar.

      The one bathroom they had was very much in demand during the party. There may have been two bathrooms, but the few times I went there, I only saw one and so did everyone else judging by the lineup. But it is the biggest and cleanest of all the bathrooms of any of the bathrooms of any Thai beer bar I have ever been to yet! Big plus there. But only one at that time. It is a very nice venue and it very comfortable ... I wish Scott and his team well!!


      • #4
        I will be visiting in JUne and will go to Sensations bar, the one is yellow, turns me on like mad


        • #5
          I noticed they have a new updated web site for Sensations Bar.
          There isn't too much on it yet but there is a good listing of the ladyboys working there.

          Attached Files


          • girish
            girish commented
            Editing a comment
            Crag you know their names, they are simply stunning

        • #6

          Is that your girl in the third photo on the left wearing black with her hair pulled back? Kind of looks like her.


          • #7
            Originally posted by Easyguy View Post

            Is that your girl in the third photo on the left wearing black with her hair pulled back? Kind of looks like her.
            No, it looks a bit like Cake but that is not her.

            I was with View from La Bamba Bar for most of my time in Pattaya.
            We were walking around Soi 13-1 looking for Stringfellows, it had been years since I had been there and my friend FF had never been. We couldn't seem to find it but



            • #8
              Wow. You sure know how to pick them. A lot of guys put photos of their LB girlfriends on some of these forums and are so proud. I look at those photos and I say, with all the LB's to choose from they pick that one. However, you seem to have the same taste as I have. I am only interested if they are girl pretty and if they actually look like a generic girl both in face and body. Both View and Cake meet that criteria to a tee.


              • #9
                Originally posted by Easyguy View Post
                Wow. You sure know how to pick them. A lot of guys put photos of their LB girlfriends on some of these forums and are so proud. I look at those photos and I say, with all the LB's to choose from they pick that one. However, you seem to have the same taste as I have. I am only interested if they are girl pretty and if they actually look like a generic girl both in face and body. Both View and Cake meet that criteria to a tee.
                Hey, I like a beautiful girl.
                Cake probably had several other boyfriends I'm sure.
                The beautiful ones always do. Beware.

                If you read some of my trip reports you will see they probably don't all fit into the gorgeous category.
                To each his own, I go with who I find sexy and fun.

                Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.



                • #10
                  Like you said in your trip report, View is back on the farm tending to her Buffalo heard and now has a boyfriend/sponsor. Good for her that she may have gotten out of the business. Why did you ever give her up or did she give you up? What a perfect doll baby she is. Where is she originally from?


                  • #11
                    Originally posted by Easyguy View Post
                    Like you said in your trip report, View is back on the farm tending to her Buffalo heard and now has a boyfriend/sponsor. Good for her that she may have gotten out of the business. Why did you ever give her up or did she give you up? What a perfect doll baby she is. Where is she originally from?
                    If you mean View, I was only with her for 4 days this November that was the first time I met her when I went to La Bamba for the first time.
                    She is super nice and sexy. We had a brief attraction due to our shared interest in bovine husbandry.
                    I believe View is from Khon Kaen.

                    The trip reports I meant are here:



                    • #12
                      Thanks for the link of this site, i am going there. The videos were amazing on the site and the babes too.


                      • #13
                        So from the intersection of Bhuakao and Soi 21 I just head inland how many meters? On the left or right side? What kind of sign or colored front should I look for?


                        • #14
                          Originally posted by George Pill View Post
                          So from the intersection of Bhuakao and Soi 21 I just head inland how many meters? On the left or right side? What kind of sign or colored front should I look for?
                          It's right off Bhuakao with a huge sign and its own building you can't miss it. Right around the corner.


                          • #15
                            Yes, went there last night around 10:30 PM. The map is a little misdrawn. LIke your map shows you walk from Central Festival against traffic down Pattaya Second Road. Just before you hit the Pattaya Night Market with its characteristic green sign, you turn left into a small narrow side street into a mess of bars upon bars. Walk leisurely up the street and take the left fork. Continue until you hit Bhukao Street. There is not exactly a continuation into Soi 21. You must turn right and walk a short 50 meters. At that intersection is a dark street with the unlit sign Sensations. I walked in and there were 8 ladyboys and only one customers beside myself. Nobody smiled or cared who I was. They were just waiting for someone else or playing pool. I bought the nearest person named Ying Ying a drink and we talked. LIke everyone else she was tall and big with hands bigger than mine. I couldn't communicate because she hardly knew English. Kept repeating herself that it was B500 for this and B500 for that and the total was B1500. Huh? Same answer after repeating carefully. So I walked out. The crowd of girls doubled outside and all were big and tall. Nobody cared about me. Just got disinterested one-word answers. Disappointing so went to sleep. None of those girls shown above were there. I prefer Obsessions. They're friendlier, younger, more normal height, and like to talk. Oui is still there and still a lovely lady to look at. She is pretty busy walking around being a manager. Will try La Bamba next. Did pass by there and girls were waiting outside happily talking stories among themselves. Only one was pretty enough for my attention, but there was an atmosphere of friendliness. La Bamba and Obsessions are close to Beachwalk so easily accessible. Stringfellows used to be up La Bamba's street. Missed their jack off contests. Oh yeah, business is still bad because at 00:30 in the morning Boy's Town is totally dark. Nobody there at all. The King's passing is a national catastrophe. Might not be a good idea to return for a whole year even though some bars say the music will be turned on after one month. We will see, and I'll LYK.

                            A note of health interest. I have been feeling down and thought the jet lag was hanging on me too long. Turns out that mosquito repellents are toxic stuff. I do remember at Dateline TV show saying someone went into a coma after spraying himself. Truthfully I haven't had problems getting bitten in beachtowns close to ocean waters. Mozzies stay away. Will start spraying the outside of my clothes or give my stock to the hotel guard.

                            The Central Festival is having lots of sales to keep financially alive. There are displays on the bottom floor and outside the open spaces outdoors in the front and back. Shorts, shoes, pants, miscellaneous junk you normally wouldn't buy unless they were 50% off. Even the large department store has some surprising items on sale if you look carefully at the tags. One massage parlor near the entrance to Walking Street advertises a 50% off on foot massages for B150. That's incorrect. Foot massages are normally B200 and better than B300 in Bangkok.

                            Did you read the news yesterday? Rained hard. Didn't know it was flooded badly. I stayed in my hotel and napped so I can stay up all night. Funny how same sand piled up on the beachwalk sidewalks and there was severe erosion below the steps to the sand. Same problems every year. Not enough money for serious engineering solutions.

                            Pattaya One News: Your source for international and breaking news from Thailand. Stay updated with top stories from Pattaya and beyond.

                            Soi 6 isn't exactly next to Soi 7. It's much further north and is the place with wall-to-wall girlie and ladyboy bars. YouTube "Soi 6 Pattaya" for some interesting scenes. The narrow alley next to it is full of short time opportunities during the day with some pretty good lookers enticing you into their short time rooms which is really their dorm rooms. You have to pay extra for that. Something like B500. It's a chancy fling as those ladyboys are big muthuhs with bigger ones next door.

