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Some more...
Steff she is the same girl with the white dress(post foursome).She lives in Canada and she came to visit jesse in bkk(the philippino lb i was telling u about,u call her phillip).
They left today for bkk and i will see them thursday or friday in bkk.
As far as i was told she came to see her family and friends and also for the
contest...now how long she is going to stay i will foind out and i will try and get her phone in canada.
sorry steff i made a mistake...do u mean the 2nd from the left in post 1?
that is the same girl in post 27.No this one she also stays in bkk but i met her in pattaya.Jesse will know i have to ask her and let u know,but the one with the white dress thats the one who lives in canada.