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Big Bash 2 - Revenge of Thpon

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  • Big Bash 2 - Revenge of Thpon

    Had a talk with Thpon last night, and between the loud music and giggling Ladyboys
    we discussed having another Big Bash.

    The idea is to have it over the weekend in Pattaya, with the big night being Saturday at the PBR.
    and another event somewhere on Friday (and maybe a Sunday night hangover party).
    We also plan on repeating the Volleyball tournament, and try and expand it to more bars/teams
    ( I had a few LB who found out after the event, and were upset they couldn't play )

    Big question is when ?

    Anyone who has a preference, reply to this or send me a PM. In a few weeks I will create a poll and continue to narrow down the date.
    "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon

  • #2
    I hope there can be another one later in the year. Dec or jan. I undrsttand you need a few more in between there, but a real big one would be cool at the end of the year.
    Why not make either a Christmas party or New years eve at the pbr?

    Oh, and course the bolleyball
    "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

    Jaidee 2009

    The other white meat


    • #3
      I vote for early November


      • #4
        yeah december please
        You Can Take Taneisha Out Of The Party, But You Can't Take The Party Out Of Taneisha  


        • #5
          One word...Jello...
          "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


          • #6
            Attached Files
            "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


            • #7
              I'll be in town around the 26th of Nov- good deals on AA up from Phuket at the moment.
              I couldn't give a shit how long it is until you're next holiday- I live here


              • #8
                (kahuna @ Jul. 02 2009,03:51) One word...Jello...
                One word...... perverts!

                Maybe we can make the volleyball competion a quarterly event. It could prove to be a tourist attraction.

                Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


                • #9
                  November is a perfect time    

                  If at first you don't succeed, Skydiving is not for you !


                  • #10
                    August sounds good to me. I know some bloke who turns 40 that month


                    • #11
                      August ok for me too as long as it before 17th
                      happy when in thailand


                      • #12
                        (Ivor Biggun @ Jul. 02 2009,15:09) I'll be in town around the 26th of Nov- good deals on AA up from Phuket at the moment.
                        I hear there will be roast boar for you on the menu.....

                        Joking aside, I missed the first bash as I was upcountry then but would like to have a second chance.
                        Lost in Space!


                        • #13
                          Late November early December works for me and Jacko ........ around that that time Pattaya is awash with the Festive spirit with lots of Trees and decorations............even the PBR will have their tree up......
                          Attached Files
                          My idea of foreplay is getting my wallet out......


                          • #14
                            (Snick @ Jul. 02 2009,10:24)            
                            Where's the damn duck with my hundred bucks?  
                            "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                            • #15
                              Hoping to be in Phuket for Xmas so New Year would be good in Pattaya for me
                              Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                              Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl

