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A question about Pattaya cabarets...

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  • A question about Pattaya cabarets...

    I have a question for the more experienced Pattaya players. Is it possible to pickup LBs at the Cabarets, or does that pose a problem for them? How many working there are postops? Don't want to waste my time. Any replies greatly appreciated.

  • #2
    (iburnsi @ Jul. 28 2009,17:29) Don't want to waste my time. Any replies greatly appreciated.
    If time is of the essence, well then don't bother with the Cabarets.

    It's certainly possible to 'pick up' but in general terms it does require somewhat more effort and can be complicated.

    Ladyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !


    • #3
      Very true - but sometimes the sport is good fun


      • #4
        Depends on what you mean by cabaret...

        Tiffany and Alcazar or the small cabarets scattered about Pattaya...

        If it's the former, I don't know...I've never tried...

        If it's the latter, it ain't too difficult but still takes some time...
        "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


        • #5
          It may be a disappointment even if you do score.

          I've done this with cabaret gals all over the circuit in Pattaya but by the time closing time rolls around they are tired and hungry and, unsurprisingly, underneath all that fantasy cake mix they don't look the same at close range!

          My advice: Take some pics, drink the cheap ale and move on!


          • #6
            Iburnsi, a cursory sniff around the forum will make it abundantly clear that the above voices are ones to listen to.

            That said, I'm two-for-two. Two of the best experiences of my life, and one was Alcazar.

            I've got a lot going for me, and maybe it was luck and timing, but if it's something you're hankering for -- go for it.

            It's common knowledge you should go to the last show of the evening. Go alone in the afternoon of the same day to buy your ticket -- by that time, they can release the "house seats" and (hopefully) put you front and center. The girls know where those seats are, and they are full-aware of where the audience is looking.

            Before I knew the deal, I thought I was in a dream world when the girl of my cabaret dreams waltzed right up to me after the show, at the photo op.

            Have fun. Regardless, it's Bizarro World -- it'll be interesting!

            Good luck,
            f b


            • #7
              thegame925's trip report has an estimate from a showgirl re: postop percentage in one of the big cabaret shows:
              I asked how many of the performers were pre-ops and how many were post-ops (I thought Rxpharm would want to know) and the reply was that only 8% were post-ops.
              If you haven't read his trip report: I want it now and I want it all! I would highly recommend it.

              Not all the showgirls in the big shows are p4p, so your approach has to be different. I will say the current economic situation may make more of them receptive to it as the audiences are down around 50% less than usual, so their income from the photo tip sessions after shows has also been greatly reduced.

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              • #8
                Some lovely encouragement as I head to Patts on Sunday...

                Oh I love the cabaret dynamic...

