(rxpharm @ Apr. 30 2009,22:17) Lefty, thanks for sharing, nudes not always necessary . Love the story about Pollar saving the depressed lb from drowning.
It is easy to forget that they have feelings, can be hurt and really care about others too. Many say Thai rak Thai, but I think that is over generalization.
It is easy to forget that they have feelings, can be hurt and really care about others too. Many say Thai rak Thai, but I think that is over generalization.
I think Pollar really built herself some good karma that night.
One other thing I noticed as they returned from the beach, some Thai man was carrying the rescued ladyboy over his shoulder like a sack of rice. Pollar was soaked of course from head to toe and she was walking along nonchalantly with them like it was something she did every day. Totally low key, not animated at all