Below is a website that has a current map of Sunee Plaza and a short description of the bars.
Note that even the best bars, most of you will only like about 15% of the talent. At some of the gogos you might find the service girls to be more to your liking than the dancers. Sunee is a silicone free zone, and even hormone titties are rare.
Also beware that many of the dancers appear too young so safest to drink rather than to "off"(what the barfine is called in gay bars).
In another thread BB mentioned a minimart on Soi VC where you can sit on the sofa outside while paying 7/11 prices. This joint is across from 3,13, and 24. My guess is that primetime at the minimart wpould be between 1 and 1:15 when the gogo bars close.
Note that even the best bars, most of you will only like about 15% of the talent. At some of the gogos you might find the service girls to be more to your liking than the dancers. Sunee is a silicone free zone, and even hormone titties are rare.
Also beware that many of the dancers appear too young so safest to drink rather than to "off"(what the barfine is called in gay bars).
In another thread BB mentioned a minimart on Soi VC where you can sit on the sofa outside while paying 7/11 prices. This joint is across from 3,13, and 24. My guess is that primetime at the minimart wpould be between 1 and 1:15 when the gogo bars close.