(jimslim @ Oct. 11 2008,04:44)
Welcome to the forum Bond , I used to love the old Didi's bar in soi7 , many's a fun night were spent there ,around 2 years ago it was probably the best and most easy going LB bar in Pattaya , times change, but I still miss it
Ah memories , Rose , Pat , Aem , and Som , great girls
(Bond @ Oct. 11 2008,02:43) I am back from my holidays now and I was there that night. Three of the German guys and I for myself brought our girl-friends to Didi's Bar. There were 4 Ladyboys from Didi's. Four more Ladyboys were from other bars of Pattaya or other parts of Thailand. I was with Sha-Sha from Phuket (Billy will remember her! ).
I enjoyed that party! With thanks to all who spend the evening there!
I enjoyed that party! With thanks to all who spend the evening there!
Ah memories , Rose , Pat , Aem , and Som , great girls
Yes, I enjoyed that old bar too. It was easy to pick up a nice ladyboy because there were a lot. I remember Nancy very well. She was jealous when I took another girl. I think she thought that I had to be her boy-friend. I have had fun with lovely Patty (wonderful girl with wonderful titts) and Oh (sweetest girl of all, very cute in bed). Oh is still working at Didi's Bar. She was there a day after our party. I have seen her three times again there. All in all 5 ladyboys are working at Didi's Bar: Aem, Benz, Nok, Oh and Prair.