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EZY Bar - for the ezy-ily confused

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  • EZY Bar - for the ezy-ily confused

    I don't get it....

    Walk past the EZY Bar at 10 o'clock at night & there is rarely anyone inside.

    11pm & it is not much better, but by 5am in the morning there is the single biggest crowd of ladyboys to be found anywhere in Pattaya.

    Arriving a few hours after writing my 2nd thread on the Kitten Club, I hoped for a friendly welcome.

    Karl was manning the computer as usual & turning to me said : "I read your Kitten Club posts......well done, I agree with everything you wrote."

    WTF, everything??

    "All bar owners are in the same boat, it isn't easy to balance the needs of our customers & our girls. I sit here all night, but if I put my prices up after 2am to cover my overtime, everyone would scream"

    Hmmmm, OK then, & I sat with Karl chewing the fat for hours, except the later it was, the busier he became.

    Starting with 3 girls in the bar, by the time I left, there was about a dozen inside, but the surprise was the number hanging out the front. Many familiar faces from Soi Yamoto too....

    From my single bin, the number of bins on the bar left little room for drinks & the traffic heading upstairs was starting to back up. There were hands down pants everywhere I looked & there was no chance of me leaving alone.

    Which I didn't....

    So if you imagine that he could use more girls or customers, relax. Every night the drinkers arrive along with every available LB for miles.

    He seems to be managing just fine...
    Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.

  • #2
    you have a wonderful way of describing a situation well
    i love t-girls


    • #3
      Thanks Sean. It was a great night, the girls were sweet, the beers were flowing,

      I just hope the next time that you can join me...

      after all, it was you Irish guys who coined the term : "good craik"
      Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


      • #4
        (seanbeag7 @ Sep. 24 2008,17:26)  you have a wonderful way of describing a situation well    
        What can be said i have to agree with seanbeag7

        Many thanks Pacman You really do have an excellent term of phrase

        Hellova night, great company and the "girlz" did me proud as always

        They informed me your pants are safe behind the bar

        Best wishes,

        Attached Files
         “Cock n’ Roll” ®  


        • #5
          Having enjoyed the company of Bang for the past 12 hours, thanks for the reminder pics...

          She is great company & as soon as I get my duds back I promise to pay her. I hope that $10 bill is still in the pocket...

          (a little joke there for Mardhi, I will never live down not leaving a tip when it meant breaking a 1000 baht note)

          I will see you LATE tonight Karl, BTW, what time is breakfast served?
          Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


          • #6
            the word you were trying to say was "craic" and it happens to be the name of my little internet cafe

            Thanks Karl for the kind comments
            i love t-girls


            • #7
              THis is useful information about the best time to hit this place because I went there at 11 one night and it was dead so I kinda wrote the place off.


              • #8
                (Buddy @ Sep. 26 2008,05:48) I went there at 11 one night and it was dead so I kinda wrote the place off.
                One has to remember i had over 25 girlz removed by the BIB for 45 days for many different reasons. Not many people remain in Pattaya for that lenght of time so many BM probably witnessed a similar situation during their trip to Pattaya and many others had the best time they can remember.

                Like many bars in Pattaya it fills up and emptys again several times a night and with several more popular girlz on long, longtime a one time one off visit for a 10-15 minute beer i probably could write off nearly every bar in Pattaya given that criteria.

                Quiet is quiet and when busy "Ezy" can rock. All bars would love a minimim attendance to which to start their evening to draw in more customers. But if your the only one in the bar allow time. Sit and chill have a chat you'll soon be joined by another. Its difficult to know exactly what you all expect from a bar. Personally i chat to one or 2 staff and make my own enjoyment thats how the party begins. The only place quaranteed busy is people WALKING up and down Walking Street the side bars are empty also!

                Hope to see you again soon.

                Best wishes,

                 “Cock n’ Roll” ®  


                • #9
                  That explains why the place was dead at 10[m on a Saturday when I visited the place. Clearly the bar is aimed at those who want to get laid at 5am after a night on the town. If that's your idea of a good night out then Ezy is probably not a bad place to finish up. The rest of us will just see an empty bar with ghastly decor as we walk past.


                  • #10
                    (jonstroud @ Sep. 26 2008,13:09) rest of us will just see an empty bar with ghastly decor as we walk past.
                    Try taking the s**t out of your eyes !
                     “Cock n’ Roll” ®  


                    • #11
                      The rest of us will just see an empty bar with ghastly decor as we walk past...
                      How many people have ever "walked past" EZY bar or Lita's?

                      It's way off where people simply "walk past!"

                      You have to want to find it - you won't get there by accident!


                      • #12
                        Ghastly decor!!!!

                        I seem to recall the wallpaper at Club131 fitted that category but if you look closely in EZY bar you will be surprised to find a marble bar top, big comfortable high backed stools, tasteful glass tables & couches.

                        Two sides of glass windows right to the ceiling give the place an open feel unique to any other LB venue.

                        I did want to do something to improve the place & went to remove the Batman sticker off the back of one of the chairs...

                        but the sight of 10 LBs each removing a stilleto shoe did put me off that idea...
                        Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                        • #13
                          (jonstroud @ Sep. 25 2008,22:09) Clearly the bar is aimed at those who want to get laid at 5am after a night on the town.
                          EZY Bar's customers are a varied lot.

                          I'm in a relationship and don't go there for the girls.

                          I go there to hang out with friends and just chill. Good tunes and friendly faces.

                          Have spent more time there than any other Pattaya bar with LaBamba second and Pattaya Beer Bar a very distant third.

                          But yes, if you want to get laid at 5 in the morning that's the place to go.


                          • #14
                            Hey PigDogg, they are still talking about that crazy farang dance you were doing about 5am one morning.

                            How's the knee, by the way....
                            Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                            • #15
                              Still not 100% Pacman, I'm nursing it at home.

