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  • #46
    (Snick @ Nov. 01 2008,15:22) who is the girl in post #51 ? -- *can't tell !!!
    Post op Nadia. Many miles under that hood.
    Attached Files
    "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

    Jaidee 2009

    The other white meat


    • #47
      Opia give old BB the bar fine me look...

      ...and I couldn't get to the ATM quick enough
      Attached Files
      I'm a stranger in paradise... All lost in a wonderland. A stranger in paradise...


      • #48
        she looks ready for some oil

        (she also looks like a cross between Aemmie and Taneisha - you're becoming predictable, my friend )
        No honey, no money!!


        • #49
          (bigmick22 @ Nov. 29 2008,19:20) she looks ready for some oil *

          (she also looks like a cross between Aemmie and Taneisha - you're becoming predictable, my friend * *)
          U mean something like this BM?
          Attached Files
          I'm a stranger in paradise... All lost in a wonderland. A stranger in paradise...


          • #50
            oooh baby! All the trips to Patts, and i've never been up to check out Naklua bars. 3 weeks to go and off to Patts again! This time i MUST try Naklua if ladies like her are there!
            We've got to get in to get out


            • #51
              (bumblebee @ Nov. 29 2008,16:22) Opia give old BB the bar fine me look...
              She´s nice. Hardbody. Thanks, bb.
              "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

              Jaidee 2009

              The other white meat


              • #52
                (bumblebee @ Nov. 29 2008,15:30)
                (bigmick22 @ Nov. 29 2008,19:20) she looks ready for some oil  

                (she also looks like a cross between Aemmie and Taneisha - you're becoming predictable, my friend    )
                U mean something like this BM?  

                Dark skin and baby oil is a fantastic combo

                I'm literally salivating

                God the Irish are such perverts
                No honey, no money!!


                • #53
                  hi whens the action start in these bars never been but will give it a try in feb thanks for any advice
                  i long to live in los  


                  • #54
                    WARNING guys...
                    If you BF any LB or GG from any Family Bar DO NOT take her to any other Family Bar..They'll ask you to go to drink so they can see friend ,Do NOT...That is if you don't want to pay Ladydrink prices all night..
                    So many Ladyboys so little time..


                    • #55
                      Great photos as your norm, thanks for the lovely shots again mate
                      You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!


                      • #56
                        (SamplerDoc @ Dec. 02 2008,12:58) BB,
                        Great photos as your norm, thanks for the lovely shots again mate
                        Cheers SD, always try to keep u guys happy


                        • #57
                          Buren had himself a real gem there. That's a perfect mid gender, young, smooth f bunny. Material for probing the 80% of human mind not scientifically understood.


                          • #58
                            I met up with Kahuna and Pigdog and another guy (forgot his handle) in Naklua last night, went to Family Bar but the music was too loud to even have a conversation.  So we ended up out at a table by the road in front of the complex of bars. One LB who seemed to by interested in PD perked up when I offered to show her my dick. Off to the toilet; bastards charged me for two people too!    I don't think she thought I would go through with it.  

                            PD and Kahuna and the other guy walked over to Pattaya Soi 2, and I stayed behind and had a chat with a GG at the end bar I was flirting with, almost took her along to meet the guys on Soi 2 but she was hesitant to go with me.

                            Met the 3 for some "Fine fun" in Soi 2 at Ohh La La bar, there are a scattering of LBs in all the beer bars along the intersection of Soi 2 and 2nd Rd.  Prices of drinks are right too!  One beer, one water and a LD were less than 180 baht. PD took off, Kahuna went to Walking Street, and I had a water then I left the other guy in the capable hands of a very cute GG.  

                            I went to Walking Street, and found it mobbed with LBs and very few customers. Enter up seeing one I'd been with before, so off we went.  She stops in 7-11 and I hear my name called out and it was one from Soi 6 that I'd been with before. Forgot to get her number last time, and never saw her again after that. She said she is getting the chop in two weeks!!  She asked if I wanted to screw her before she gets cut.  I believe today would be a good day to do that!  


                            • #59
                              Damn...You didn't take the Super Fine Llittle Fine from Soi 2...

                              And I thought you were...that's why i left

                              Well, there is always tonight...
                              "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                              • #60
                                (EyeMahk @ Dec. 15 2008,13:12) Kahuna went to Walking Street
                                That doesn´t seem right.
                                "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

                                Jaidee 2009

                                The other white meat

