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Is this a stupid idea?? Tell me what you think!

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  • Is this a stupid idea?? Tell me what you think!

    I AM HALF THAI and HALF WHITE AMERICAN, and I can speak some Thai. Enough to make ladyboys easily like me, and I guest trust me... also I'm handsome apparently... anyways
    I am want to welcome complete honesty from any ladyboys I ask to come to my hotel room.
    Having said that, let's say a ladyboy comes to my hotel room for 1500 Baht for a short time.
    I have this idea, I want to inform my ladyboy that I will give her 800 baht and she can leave without providing any services if she was actually not being truthful and admits she may have a STD or something I can catch.
    Is this a bad idea? Do you think they would lie to me just to save time, services, work and take the 800? Should I lower it to 600 baht

  • #2
    They will all take the 800 and tell you they have an STD and go find a new customer.
    I think you may be overly worried about STDs. I've been to Thailand 28 times with up to 30 different ladyboys each time and never a thing.
    I use condoms religiously but never protected oral.
    Most STDs are obvious if you check.

    Plus you are basically killing the mood and they would never tell you the truth anyway.


    • #3
      Yes. Pull out a pen light and inspect the merchandise. Or else. I would just tell to go fuck themselves with no money given. I refuse to be fooled. Beat it!


      • #4
        Thanks again to you both! Always helpful!


        • #5
          Originally posted by lessons1990 View Post
          I AM HALF THAI and HALF WHITE AMERICAN, and I can speak some Thai. Enough to make ladyboys easily like me, and I guest trust me... also I'm handsome apparently... anyways
          I am want to welcome complete honesty from any ladyboys I ask to come to my hotel room.
          Having said that, let's say a ladyboy comes to my hotel room for 1500 Baht for a short time.
          I have this idea, I want to inform my ladyboy that I will give her 800 baht and she can leave without providing any services if she was actually not being truthful and admits she may have a STD or something I can catch.
          Is this a bad idea? Do you think they would lie to me just to save time, services, work and take the 800? Should I lower it to 600 baht
          WTF ? I must have missed something.
          What do you want to bargain :
          - a big discount (to save money) ? In this case, you shoudl apply the "1,000 bath rule" that is : 1) know the lowest price you can get in this area. 2) Do not pay upfront. 3) pay her the market price in the end.
          - a bareback ? Then you won't get a discount for sure.
          - a safe ladyboy ? She won't tell you if she's STD infected. Maybe she knows but doesn't want to loose face. Maybe she doesn't know.


          • #6
            [QUOTE=lessons1990;n933967]I AM HALF THAI and HALF WHITE AMERICAN, and I can speak some Thai. Enough to make ladyboys easily like me, and I guest trust me... also I'm handsome apparently... anyways

            Actually speaking Thai will make them a little cautious, they'll think you have had a Thai gf in the past and know the ropes, they won't look at you as an easy tourist looking to spend money as freely and secondly the biggest misconception is looks they equate young and handsome with "cheap charlie", that doesn't mean you are or that old heavy set gentlemen isn't it's just their perception unless they can get a week long romance out of you it's all about the money and if your willing to spend it!! Good Luck!!


            • #7
              Originally posted by lessons1990 View Post
              I AM HALF THAI and HALF WHITE AMERICAN, and I can speak some Thai. Enough to make ladyboys easily like me, and I guest trust me... also I'm handsome apparently... anyways
              I am want to welcome complete honesty from any ladyboys I ask to come to my hotel room.
              Having said that, let's say a ladyboy comes to my hotel room for 1500 Baht for a short time.
              I have this idea, I want to inform my ladyboy that I will give her 800 baht and she can leave without providing any services if she was actually not being truthful and admits she may have a STD or something I can catch.
              Is this a bad idea? Do you think they would lie to me just to save time, services, work and take the 800? Should I lower it to 600 baht
              Oh and if she's coming to your room you might as well keep her for the night get a couple drunken shags in then roll her over in morning for that it's all about me session !!! just my 2 cents!!!


              • #8
                Thank you, both. Very helpful
                I’m getting eager for this vacation!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Crag Rockheart View Post
                  They will all take the 800 and tell you they have an STD and go find a new customer.
                  I think you may be overly worried about STDs. I've been to Thailand 28 times with up to 30 different ladyboys each time and never a thing.
                  I use condoms religiously but never protected oral.
                  Most STDs are obvious if you check.

                  Plus you are basically killing the mood and they would never tell you the truth anyway.



                  • #10
                    She will not advise you if she's STD contaminated. Possibly she knows however doesn't have any desire to lose face. Perhaps she doesn't have a clue.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Rockheart View Post
                      They will all take the 800 and tell you they have an STD and go find a new customer.
                      I think you may be overly worried about STDs. I've been to Thailand 28 times with up to 30 different ladyboys each time and never a thing.
                      I use condoms religiously but never protected oral.
                      Most STDs are obvious if you check.

                      Plus you are basically killing the mood and they would never tell you the truth anyway.

                      Thankyou for report


                      • #12
                        Always make sure to wash everything with your own hands BEFORE you fuck. Some ladyboys don't even know how to wash themselves cleanly so do it yourself. Wash yourself afterwards in the shower twice with good amounts of soap. I have had infections simply because I just rolled over and went to sleep. If you are reasonably healthy your immune system will keep the diseases at bay. I think any disease will result if you expose yourself to microbes consistently over and over again or take a very large dose. As for swallowing cum I have yet to see any clinical report that said someone got it from swallowing. Perhaps too ashamed to say so. Try Googling Oral Sex AIDS and see what you find or believe. Yes, there's always a chance of catching anything STD. ALWAYS wear a condom if fucking assholes. Might do so with BJ's but no fun. Risky sex is fun and Dangerous. Finally a word of wisdom. I think most AIDS infections result from dirty needles so try taking back to your hotel room and turn on the lights. Look for Herpes cauliflower growths on their assholes, needle marks, sign of ringworm anywhere on their genitals, underarms, mouth, face, etc. Be suspicious. I hardly barfine ladyboys. Most of the time I hunt for healthy good-looking chicks with good personalities and detail orally what I want. Be sure to watch their eyes and see if they really understand English. I always choose young 18 to mid-20's chicks. Never tall or muscular ones. Waste of time fighting and punching their faces. You can be surprised if you be patient and find a cute almost teenager one. Do definitely stay away from underages, and the cops might be watching and love to catch a pedophile. Then can extort foreigners for quick cash. Lastly better to wait until you get the 2 vaccines plus the new one in developement for the South African, California, and yada yada variants. Don't know right now if Nana Plaza is back in business with the ladyboy bars or if any good-looking ladyboys are too scared to walk the Soi 4 street. Probably just staying at home in Korat or Isaan sleeping, texting, and more sleeping.

                        nana plaza 2021 - YouTube


                        • #13
                          Here's a good article why everybody should WAIT for the vaccine before jetting off to Thailand or anywhere in the world.

                          Few in Hawaii spared the far-reaching consequences of the coronavirus pandemic | Honolulu Star-Advertiser


                          • #14
                            They keep promoting the incidences where people had bad covid reactions. However there is not context as to how many out of how many have had these issues, and compared to what?
                            I am pretty sure you can put up the same case of those with influenza that had adverse reactions, you just don't hear about it.
                            The market every bad case of covid like no one has ever been this sick before. Guess what? Everyone go this sick from the flu and other diseases it just wasn't in the news every day. How about a story of someone who was ravaged by influenza?
                            Oh ya, Influenza doesn't exist anymore. (Neither does cancer.)

                            My lungs were permanently damaged by the flu, there is some context for you.
                            Imagine in the past if you had heard of every single bad case of influenza. However people died like crazy from influenza.
                            The news just didn't care about the flu or who was dying.

                            Now the media has a Covid bonanza. Every bad case is a story.
                            CNN thrives on fake Covid, they never want it to end.
                            Now Trump is gone Covid is all they got, they still try to do Trump but that ship has sailed.

