I'm a slack arse and usually promise to write trip reports but never do. However Jay and Mahdi were so cool last trip, thought I'd help then and the girls I saw with a bit of free publicity. Well This is a review of Guess Bar and the girls I've been fortunate to take from there.
First Girl I had was Jane. Without a doubt the Biggest flirt in the bar. I know that Guess Pride's itself on being a low stress place but once Jane has you in her tractor beams it's goodnight Irene. First night I was in there she was over me like a rash rubbing against me putting her hands down my pants and vice versa letting me know she wants it. Then I say alright let's go, well Jane being Jane tells me "I already have customer for tonight, you can see me some other time" Hilarious, wasn't pissed off as I knew Obs was still open for another hour so move along to the next one, she actually did this to me twice. When I did finally get her in the sack you can say she certainly is energetic. I know lately people have been saying she doesn't like to top but had no troubles with her. Another thing about Jane as she has curves which alot of ladyboys don't. Love a curved arse and big tits. Total She-male. One thing I've noticed about Jane is she can be moping in the corner looking pissed off but trust me, bar fine her and she'll give you a smile like you just saved her life and be upstairs gaging for it 20 seconds later.
Next on was Eats. When I was there in feb eats had just had her nose done so was not such the super star she is today. In fact she was quite reserved and tended more to sit with the other girls and gossip as opposed to Jane who can't go twenty minutes without boucning round the room. Bar fined her and took her back to my Hotel. Of all the girls at guess she has the biggest in terms of width and lenght that I've seen at guess. She's also always hard, even when getting fucked. One of the sexiest things I've ever seen In my life is Eats bouncing on top of my old fella while she's got a raging hard on as well, don't know how she does it. She won't stop till you tell her too, and will usually try and get you hard for another round as soon as you've shot your load. Went back with her a couple of times, which is totally out of character for me as I'm usually a butterflly, or should that be helicopter. Anyway one night I went to take her again to find out she'd gone out with some fucker call Kahuna, prick
Kahuna sorry we didn't get more of a chance to have a beer and a chat but it always seemed that you were leaving as I was coming in. Hopefully next time I'm out you'll hang around with the drunks a bit longer but I saw your reasons for leaving holding hands with you and can't say I blame you.
As Eats was gone was I took Nan. Nan was also a bit of a change of pace for me as I usually prefer the parsable she-male, but why have the same eveyday. Why not spice it up a bit. I usually head down to Eden for a change in the Plumbing for those who are into GG's. Best GG joint in BKK for me, but I digress. Nan is the ultimate Fem boy. She has legs till Tuesday and looks, well to me more Chinese than thai. Shes fucking cute. She could actually be the sister of my Chinese girlfriend looks wise. Oh how I'd love to have that in a threesome. Got a real hard body that feels great pressed against you and gives a good deep tounge kiss. I think her cock is actually longer than eats but not as wide. First time we fucked she rimmed me then spat on my arsehole and up it went. Hurt like fuck. Told her to use some KY for fuck sake. So beware, she spits on your arse, grit you teeth. One fact about Nan that I'm suprised no one else has mentioned is she gives a fantastic hard massage. Well as good as I've had from any GG in Thailand. If you want a good hard massage then a good hard fuck, Nan's your girl. I love the felling of Nan giving you a massage while you can feel her erction growing as her cock presses against your arse.
Well I kept going between Nan and Eats for a couple of nights. Sometimes I got a bit of attitude from both but nothing worth bothering about. Guess Bar is low pressure but Jay can't change how a LB's brain is wired any more than we can. One notable night was Marhdi's birthday. After Guess Closed Marhdi bf'd all the girls then took them to Obs. You should have seen the girls faces in Obs as First Monkey Man than Mardhi then myself walked in the door they all light up and start dancing, then the Guess bar girls all walk in behind us and they realise that we've probably bought our own. Ended up in some night club where being Thailand I was sweating like a pig. I was dancing with Nan getting death stares from Eats but Socrates was there and being the gentleman he is he ran cover with Eats. We left at about 3am leaving Monkey man and Diablo80 to continue on partying.
Final girl I had was Nat. Nat is another shy one but she has some sexy look in here eye that you catch everynow and then that just says fuck me. Whilst not as big as Eats or Nan she ain't no wet noodle. Infact as I walked out of the shower she was walking around the room with an erection which seemed to appear from no where. One of the things I love about the ST rooms above guess is the big mirrors on the side of the bed. Can still remeber fucking Nat watching her still erect cock bounce in the air and watching her firm arse bang against my cock. I'm guessing she's doesn't get the most Bar fines at guess but as I usually find it's the quite ones who are maybe not the prettiest that usually put in the most effort.
Girl I wish I'd BF'd but ran out of time would have to be Jenny. She seems to have set up a base out the front that she sits on just waiting for prey to come up the stairs. Fuck she gave me an evil look when I took Nat on the last day and she realised I wasn't going to bar fine her this trip. Hopefully will give me a bit of leverage for next time as I want a lesbian threesome at guess and I reckon she's the type of girl who would be up for it.
Must admit I usually went to guess to drink with lads. I'd usually go for an afternoon session, say high to Kahuna who was always in there in the early afternoon holding up the bar with TTChang. Take a girl. Go home watch TV come back drink beer till close go to nana. I didn't do much monkey business on the couch as I was more there for a chance to shoot the shit with a few board members, so stay by the bar for me. One of the reasons I'm usually always a butterfly is I have nothing in common with a 19 year old Lady Boy and I hate talking for talking sake, I hate LT too but If I'm so drunk I know I'll be fucking this girl for hours before I come I'll take them LT as I'll enjoy coming in the morning rather than thinking comon shoot for fuck sake so we can all get some sleep.
The Board members I met at guess are all top notch blokes. Katoey Lover deserves a special mention as he first took me there after big dogs. Monkey Man's there most night's and is a good guy to know. If he's not taking you to Nana, he's always good for a trip down to Patpong or some Nightclub you would never go by yourself. So if you see him there by him a beer a have a word as he also knows probably most of the Ladyboys in the Nana Patpong area. Ossie met you for accouple of days and promise to catch up again. Also to Socrates, Diablo, Stoogie, Snick, Donnny,Ziggy,thaibound, kahuna TTchang and anyone else I met but was too drunk to remeber, cheers for the drinks and the yarn. Almost forgot, titelist, who for a Leeds United Fan ain't a bad bloke.
and of corse Jane, Eats, Nat and Nan for there servies towards my mental stabilty they deserve a medal
Last but not least Jay and Marhdi, thanks for the good times. I'm out again in August so first rounds on me.
ps applogies if this rambles littere with spelling mistakes but I've been up for 30 hours (for work buttafly, I'm not on Yaba) and writing this to stay awake.
Oh and the title of the post is a song by the Killers that I've had on my brain for the last 10 hours and not a slight on anyone.
First Girl I had was Jane. Without a doubt the Biggest flirt in the bar. I know that Guess Pride's itself on being a low stress place but once Jane has you in her tractor beams it's goodnight Irene. First night I was in there she was over me like a rash rubbing against me putting her hands down my pants and vice versa letting me know she wants it. Then I say alright let's go, well Jane being Jane tells me "I already have customer for tonight, you can see me some other time" Hilarious, wasn't pissed off as I knew Obs was still open for another hour so move along to the next one, she actually did this to me twice. When I did finally get her in the sack you can say she certainly is energetic. I know lately people have been saying she doesn't like to top but had no troubles with her. Another thing about Jane as she has curves which alot of ladyboys don't. Love a curved arse and big tits. Total She-male. One thing I've noticed about Jane is she can be moping in the corner looking pissed off but trust me, bar fine her and she'll give you a smile like you just saved her life and be upstairs gaging for it 20 seconds later.
Next on was Eats. When I was there in feb eats had just had her nose done so was not such the super star she is today. In fact she was quite reserved and tended more to sit with the other girls and gossip as opposed to Jane who can't go twenty minutes without boucning round the room. Bar fined her and took her back to my Hotel. Of all the girls at guess she has the biggest in terms of width and lenght that I've seen at guess. She's also always hard, even when getting fucked. One of the sexiest things I've ever seen In my life is Eats bouncing on top of my old fella while she's got a raging hard on as well, don't know how she does it. She won't stop till you tell her too, and will usually try and get you hard for another round as soon as you've shot your load. Went back with her a couple of times, which is totally out of character for me as I'm usually a butterflly, or should that be helicopter. Anyway one night I went to take her again to find out she'd gone out with some fucker call Kahuna, prick

As Eats was gone was I took Nan. Nan was also a bit of a change of pace for me as I usually prefer the parsable she-male, but why have the same eveyday. Why not spice it up a bit. I usually head down to Eden for a change in the Plumbing for those who are into GG's. Best GG joint in BKK for me, but I digress. Nan is the ultimate Fem boy. She has legs till Tuesday and looks, well to me more Chinese than thai. Shes fucking cute. She could actually be the sister of my Chinese girlfriend looks wise. Oh how I'd love to have that in a threesome. Got a real hard body that feels great pressed against you and gives a good deep tounge kiss. I think her cock is actually longer than eats but not as wide. First time we fucked she rimmed me then spat on my arsehole and up it went. Hurt like fuck. Told her to use some KY for fuck sake. So beware, she spits on your arse, grit you teeth. One fact about Nan that I'm suprised no one else has mentioned is she gives a fantastic hard massage. Well as good as I've had from any GG in Thailand. If you want a good hard massage then a good hard fuck, Nan's your girl. I love the felling of Nan giving you a massage while you can feel her erction growing as her cock presses against your arse.
Well I kept going between Nan and Eats for a couple of nights. Sometimes I got a bit of attitude from both but nothing worth bothering about. Guess Bar is low pressure but Jay can't change how a LB's brain is wired any more than we can. One notable night was Marhdi's birthday. After Guess Closed Marhdi bf'd all the girls then took them to Obs. You should have seen the girls faces in Obs as First Monkey Man than Mardhi then myself walked in the door they all light up and start dancing, then the Guess bar girls all walk in behind us and they realise that we've probably bought our own. Ended up in some night club where being Thailand I was sweating like a pig. I was dancing with Nan getting death stares from Eats but Socrates was there and being the gentleman he is he ran cover with Eats. We left at about 3am leaving Monkey man and Diablo80 to continue on partying.
Final girl I had was Nat. Nat is another shy one but she has some sexy look in here eye that you catch everynow and then that just says fuck me. Whilst not as big as Eats or Nan she ain't no wet noodle. Infact as I walked out of the shower she was walking around the room with an erection which seemed to appear from no where. One of the things I love about the ST rooms above guess is the big mirrors on the side of the bed. Can still remeber fucking Nat watching her still erect cock bounce in the air and watching her firm arse bang against my cock. I'm guessing she's doesn't get the most Bar fines at guess but as I usually find it's the quite ones who are maybe not the prettiest that usually put in the most effort.
Girl I wish I'd BF'd but ran out of time would have to be Jenny. She seems to have set up a base out the front that she sits on just waiting for prey to come up the stairs. Fuck she gave me an evil look when I took Nat on the last day and she realised I wasn't going to bar fine her this trip. Hopefully will give me a bit of leverage for next time as I want a lesbian threesome at guess and I reckon she's the type of girl who would be up for it.
Must admit I usually went to guess to drink with lads. I'd usually go for an afternoon session, say high to Kahuna who was always in there in the early afternoon holding up the bar with TTChang. Take a girl. Go home watch TV come back drink beer till close go to nana. I didn't do much monkey business on the couch as I was more there for a chance to shoot the shit with a few board members, so stay by the bar for me. One of the reasons I'm usually always a butterfly is I have nothing in common with a 19 year old Lady Boy and I hate talking for talking sake, I hate LT too but If I'm so drunk I know I'll be fucking this girl for hours before I come I'll take them LT as I'll enjoy coming in the morning rather than thinking comon shoot for fuck sake so we can all get some sleep.
The Board members I met at guess are all top notch blokes. Katoey Lover deserves a special mention as he first took me there after big dogs. Monkey Man's there most night's and is a good guy to know. If he's not taking you to Nana, he's always good for a trip down to Patpong or some Nightclub you would never go by yourself. So if you see him there by him a beer a have a word as he also knows probably most of the Ladyboys in the Nana Patpong area. Ossie met you for accouple of days and promise to catch up again. Also to Socrates, Diablo, Stoogie, Snick, Donnny,Ziggy,thaibound, kahuna TTchang and anyone else I met but was too drunk to remeber, cheers for the drinks and the yarn. Almost forgot, titelist, who for a Leeds United Fan ain't a bad bloke.

Last but not least Jay and Marhdi, thanks for the good times. I'm out again in August so first rounds on me.
ps applogies if this rambles littere with spelling mistakes but I've been up for 30 hours (for work buttafly, I'm not on Yaba) and writing this to stay awake.
Oh and the title of the post is a song by the Killers that I've had on my brain for the last 10 hours and not a slight on anyone.