I was hoping that someone could clue me in on how much the bar fine and short time rates are at The Guess Bar. I am a newbie but want to go and hook up with either Eats or Jennie. Thanks!
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Bar fine and S/T rates
Barfine is 500 Baht, 100 Baht cheaper than the standard rate at Nana Plaza's LB bars.
The short time hotel upstairs from Guess Bar charges 350 Baht.
As for costs related to Jenny & Eats, that a personal matter, and not a debate I want to enter into.
Plenty of information on the forum to give you a "heads up" with regard to a ball park figure for short times.
BTW, they are my top 2 picks at Guess Bar also.
KoykaengLadyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !
Welcome to the Forum!
I've never been to Guess Bar yet and haven't barfined in Bangkok in a few years. So I hope other can fill you in.
I think most farangs prefer certainity, they really don't want to guess if they're not paying enough or if they're paying too much.
First time I went to Phuket I really didn't know what the pricing structure was for that town as different regions have different going rates.
The owner of the most prominent ladyboy bar informed me that the girls in his bar would be happy with 1000 st and 1500 lt. He also said there was no problem butterflying as management makers sure customers aren't hassled or pressured for repeats. They don't want customers avoiding their bar cause they want to butterfly. As a customer I appreciated this type of strong proactive and informative management.
The above 2005 Phuket prices are probably a bit low compared to 2007 Bangkok.
I think most farangs want clarity re st and lt rates and also want the freeedom to butterfly. So I hope Jay communicates this to the girls and the customers instead of having customers just guess.
You may wish to read the following thread which contains the results of the poll question about Short Time rates;
The average (according to the poll) was between 1000 and 1500 Baht, which is agreeable with the figures PigDogg quoted in his post above.
KoykaengLadyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !
(stogie bear @ Mar. 13 2007,06:12)I don't know any nice looking ladyboys who would settle for 1,500 long time in Bangkok.
Ladyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !
(koykaeng @ Mar. 13 2007,00:08)(stogie bear @ Mar. 13 2007,06:12)I don't know any nice looking ladyboys who would settle for 1,500 long time in Bangkok.
seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!
2 short times from Guess at 1000 baht each. One long time at 1500 baht. I don't negotiate. Before I leave the bar I tell the lady in a nice way that I pay 1500 LT. Up to her. Very few turn it down when they realize that I am not negotiating. I pay the same at Nana Plaza. When I looking for a LT I usually find and leave at about 11PM to midnight. No Disco for me but usually get something to eat on the way back.
Hi Vito..
I had just made my first visit to Guess what bar, and took Jenny for a ride.... paid her 1500 bath because I was more than pleased and first day in BKK... when I got back later in the evening, Jane told me that I had payed Jenny 1500, (the girls talks you know) and if I wanted to go with her she wanted 2500 bath because she is a superstar... guess what... I said something about tired and jet leg then I went over to Nana for my second dive that evening
I think that as long you realize you hold the power and not the LB in question you don't have to be ripped off by some of the more greedy ones. I know that it's very difficult to think clearly and with your head, you know, the one on top of your shoulders, when some gorgeous LB is all over you and telling you she wants to please you. I payed way toooo much on many occassion due to my stupidity, what the LB quoted me I would pay, how dumb was that? Once you get more confident, tell them what you will gve them, do not negociate, do not pay up front and if the service is outstanding give a tip. Worked for me until the "right" one came along and turned me into a home body.
(ReturnToAsia @ Mar. 16 2007,18:41) Hi Vito..
I had just made my first visit to Guess what bar, and took Jenny for a ride.... paid her 1500 bath because I was more than pleased and first day in BKK... when I got back later in the evening, Jane told me that I had payed Jenny 1500, (the girls talks you know) and if I wanted to go with her she wanted 2500 bath because she is a superstar... guess what... I said something about tired and jet leg then I went over to Nana for my second dive that evening
Jenny quoted me her S/T and L/T price, I was happy with that and took her L/T, she was worth every baht, I had a great night with her
Dave...Your got yer Mother in a whirl
Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl
(ReturnToAsia @ Mar. 16 2007,08:41) and if I wanted to go with her she wanted 2500 bath because she is a superstar... guess what.... A shame she hasn't followed in the footsteps of her sis, humble, entrepreneur and not as much partying. BUT, maybe she is building her "war chest" of investments and will set off to find her a business to run....and leave the horizontal hula for just she and a BF.......
....so, you're really a guy?..............
Brocklanders, you are reading it out of context - Jane was saying to "ReturntoAsia" that she (Jane) is the superstar and since he paid Jenny (non-superstar) 1500 Baht, then he must pay Jane 2500 Baht (as the superstar).
Caveat Emptor!
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