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Just a normal weekend

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  • #31
    (bangkoksins @ Mar. 09 2007,18:00)
    I must admit I have never heard of anyone displaying their gf so publicly.

    The Guess Bar is OK. It is not as special as some make out. Neither is Jay nor for that matter Jane.

    They are great but worth so much space.?

    Guess is a nice place to go for a beer or two......

    But seriously apart from mardhi trying to prove himself cos a family member helped to teach Royalty something .........


    I think you need to lighten up Bangkoksins - this is a forum about ladyboys, not some deep analysis of the meaning of life.     Enjoy life and dont assume everything is so serious.    

    Glad you like what Guess Bar has achieved, but as I recall nobody has ever said Jay or for that matter Jane are some kind of superhero's - they are just normal ladyboys - no more and no less.    

    So why do you publicly display your gf for so much?

    BTW I do not see what Guess Bar has achieved.
    Lighten up! Mardhi owns a bar--his girlfriend runs it. It is the nicest ladyboy bar in Bangkok right now. As a member here, his posts have always been helpful for everyone and his pictures are superb as is his bar. Nothing wrong with him promoting his venture and others supporting it.


    • #32
      Dont think mardhi actually own's the bar!
      I believe it's all Jay's enterprise!
      If she aint got a dick, she's just a chick!  


      • #33
        (gizmo @ Mar. 09 2007,17:08) Dont think mardhi actually own's the bar!
        I believe it's all Jay's enterprise!
        i think you've fingered the nub of the innuendo there, mate!
        though i'm not sure an innuendo actually has a nub that can be fingered, unless it's post-op of course, but then that would be completely and beyond the purview of my non-board-certified expertise. though i'll happily show you my own cards in july attesting to my authority in most areas where the divine is touched by the erotic.

        not withstanding the "meaning of life" request which i had thought monty python had resolved long ago:
        "a person is not born with a soul. the soul must be brought into existence by a process of guided self-observation...."
        could there be a better example of this than a little boy on a farm growing up to be the beautiful ladyboy owner of the hippest little bar in bangkok?

        and as for the degree or intent of the boyfriend's backing, i prefer to enjoy the results of their mutual endeavor and not give a rat's ass as to who gets how much of my barfines and drink purchases. and i certainly don't question the rationale of anyone's postings considering the rabid verbosity and self-contradicting emotionality of my own.

        now where's the fucking missionary when you need a g**ddamn amen? and pass the ammunition before the battle-tested brown suits force me to

        fun tale there mardhi. thanks for sharing.

        i gotta agree with kahuna about jane.
        but normal is way the fuck over-rated anyways.


        • #34
          If she aint got a dick, she's just a chick!  


          • #35
            It fucking lost me too gizmo
            Your got yer Mother in a whirl
            Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


            • #36
              Can I have a pint of what Thaibound is drinking please?
              Mister Arse


              • #37
                perhaps the operative word is bong...
                "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                • #38
                  (mardhi @ Mar. 06 2007,23:48) I said, oh my friend works at "Old Trafford" carrying of injured players (Sorry DaveDuke, but needs must in these hostile conditions)
                  Good thing Pop didn't reply that DD and his stretcher might be needed at Guess Bar tonight!


                  • #39
                    (gizmo @ Mar. 10 2007,07:08) Dont think mardhi actually own's the bar!
                    I believe it's all Jay's enterprise!
                    If we are talking legal paperwork, I would agree that Jay is probably the nominee but if we are talking about who the money flows to and from--Mardhi all the way. From her shopping habits I can tell that Jay is not a saver. I just hope that Mardhi doesn't lose out on this deal. He has done a nice job putting this place together and getting it off the ground.


                    • #40
                      Mardhi has said in many post's
                      that he has nothing to do with the
                      running of guess! Why do so many
                      find it hard to believe?
                      Is it so strange to think
                      that Jay could run this venture
                      without his input?

                      Now I've never met Jay but she seem's pretty
                      level headed and business smart to me!
                      If she aint got a dick, she's just a chick!  


                      • #41
                        i dont think its our bussiness to know the owner (legal or not) of the Guess Bar, this is regulated by a private contract and they called it private for one reason
                        i dont understand why so many people are so interested in who is the owner?
                        i go there because i like the place and the gurls.
                        and again i like to point out that this is a ladyboy forum and Mardhi was talking about his relation with his ladyboyfriend's parents and this seems to me pertinent to the forum.
                        im not taking the defense of Mardhi Im just pissed off of those people trying to make a point where there is no point.
                        come on guys we enjoy lb and their stories...stop please being sucha cunt
                        cheers Mardhi nice story
                        Bigamy is having one wife too many. Monogamy is the same. -- Oscar Wilde


                        • #42
                          I agree. Lighten up guy, who cares who might or might not be the owner. If you like the place go there and have fun, if you don't like it then don't go there.


                          • #43
                            I have not got there yet but I will partake in June/july. All the feedback has been great and who gives a rats who owns it.
                            I don't know who owns my local nor do i ask.
                            Chin, chin, and enjoy


                            • #44
                              i have been to guess bar and i love it . . . i am a long-time patpong, patong, nana, etc, visitor and i like guess cuz its different (and it has jane, who rocked me ) . and this IS a lb forum , and i enjoy mardhi's contributions. interesting and fun to read.


                              • #45
                                She can run the bar all she wants but without the revenue of a farang, the place closes within weeks....just speculation but Thais will be Thais.
                                brock landers

