I saw Kee€™s pictures on TT Changs posting (GREAT pic by the way) and I have spoken with her a few times because she is best friends with my good friend Beer. Both girls are from Cascades and Beer is a darling, though VERY quiet all the time, shyness I suspect is her issue.
Can anyone give a good or bad report about Kee though? She seems delightful in Cascades when I talk to her and is always whipping her cock out to show me how big it is and how easily hard it gets. Friggen thing, once it€™s up, it stays up.
She claims that it stays hard too long to the point where it hurts sometimes. I wish I had that problem.
I have found delightful in the bar and being GREAT outside of the bar can be two totally different things sometimes. Any info would be GREAT.
I saw Kee€™s pictures on TT Changs posting (GREAT pic by the way) and I have spoken with her a few times because she is best friends with my good friend Beer. Both girls are from Cascades and Beer is a darling, though VERY quiet all the time, shyness I suspect is her issue.
Can anyone give a good or bad report about Kee though? She seems delightful in Cascades when I talk to her and is always whipping her cock out to show me how big it is and how easily hard it gets. Friggen thing, once it€™s up, it stays up.
She claims that it stays hard too long to the point where it hurts sometimes. I wish I had that problem.
I have found delightful in the bar and being GREAT outside of the bar can be two totally different things sometimes. Any info would be GREAT.