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Fern at Guess Bar

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  • #76
    (seamus @ Aug. 16 2008,16:07)
    (LadyboyCrush @ Aug. 16 2008,07:44) Perhaps THAT is why Harris is so upset... Because he always has to pay for sex with Fern... And I never do.
    So are the drugs free then.Or is she just poping round for a cup of tea & a chin wag.
    See that is the funny part... I have only seen Fern outside of the Guess Bar 3 times total... (one was for the photoshoot)... None of those times did we do drugs...

    But yes, the second two times she came over because she was horny, and thats about it.
    "What a fucking hero you are.... "
    -f0xxee (referring to ME! Eat your hearts out EVERYONE -- *I* am f0xxee's fucking hero!)


    • #77
      & wot did every BM tell me when I got a freebie from Guess bar, aint no such thing as a freebie in LOS Seamus.
      & I wasnt fern by the way
      Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


      • #78

        Before we publicly accuse someone of committing serious offences or anything... Might be helpful to remember that these stories are allegedly coming from Fern, through Harris11..

        Not to say that both parties may have some reason for wanting to present things as sympathetic to their own points of view or anything..


        • #79
          (seamus @ Aug. 16 2008,16:17)  & wot did every BM tell me when I got a freebie from Guess bar, aint no such thing as a freebie in LOS Seamus.  
          & I wasnt fern by the way  
          Oh, I can agree that most of the time "free" simply isn't "free" here in LOS...
          "What a fucking hero you are.... "
          -f0xxee (referring to ME! Eat your hearts out EVERYONE -- *I* am f0xxee's fucking hero!)


          • #80
            Guess We both got lucky then !
            Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


            • #81
              (LadyboyCrush @ Aug. 16 2008,15:48)
              (benturpin @ Aug. 16 2008,15:38)
              (LadyboyCrush @ Aug. 16 2008,13:42)
              (benturpin @ Aug. 15 2008,22:07)
              (LadyboyCrush @ Aug. 15 2008,20:16)

              Edited out to save space! (Stogie)
              Hello Ladyboycrush

              As a realist with a certain ego you disappoint me. I expected more of you but up to you if you prefer not to read my post.Yet you start judging again. Do you know as a realist you must take everything that is provided to you into account before you point your view. *But no hard feelings. I think you started to read it and realized your lost your teeth. Again no problem Mr Jones ( hello Dylan). I know a good dentist who can help you out. So please pm me if you need help. The same goes for your medical problems. Nothing to be ashamed of. Remember shit can happen like you said yourself. Only it is imo cheap to tackle me on spelling and focus on the childish part. It is of no real importance and pragmatic realist like you should know that . If this is all you can come up with *than I cannot take you serious anymore. Sorry you are no expert or realist. You simply are not skillfull. Let me put it midly to you : ignorant would be a better option for you.
              I can only *conclude that you *are such a "mature "person you cannot keep up with a discussion. *A person who claims to have 5 year experience in what? My gues would be 5 years of selfdenial or craving for pleasure. Or maybe even longer.
              Next time you post something on a medical issue, do yourself and others a favor: prepare yourself or at least try to do that. This time you went flat on your face and your pants went down.
              One little advice: *selfdenial and craving are far more bigger problems than wasting your time on a post by mr harris. You know that are posts I *read but instantly forget after reading . They don't move me .Quoting that these kind of posts are important to you, *gives me insight on what kind of person you really are. A grey mouse or a dead duck.
              By the way are you the same person that is involved on the ladyboycrush forum. ?
              If so it explains a lot

              Have a nice day Mr lbcrush
              You know, I started reading this one as well, and just tired of it before the first paragraph... With your patronizing tone, personal jabs, and again, plays on my name / different names that YOU think are clever to call me... Its just not worth my time...

              That teeth analogy was TOP NOTCH though... Very clever.

              Hello Ladyboycrush

              No problem. Of course I did a little bit poking on you. But again you got distracted by that .Make your life easy , don't get so touchy. Also your last post proves it: instead of giving your point of view you turn the other way. A realist with 5 years expercience? No a classic example of self denial any expert would say. I hope for you that you are not on drugs. If so remember you throw your and maybe other lives away. In that case in the end you will experience a real crush. Not a happy one I can tell you. So reconsider in case you are on something.
              One last question you forget to answer: are you a moderator of the ladyboycrush forum?


              • #82
                (perth_couple @ Aug. 16 2008,14:19) Before we publicly accuse someone of committing serious offenses or anything...
                Quite right. If anyone is handing out freebies we need to be sure of our facts!


                • #83
                  (perth_couple @ Aug. 16 2008,16:04) Gotta say Turp's, your message does get a little watered down by the sanctimonious patronising tone...

                  Is this the approach you take in your clinical setting??

                  With lost cases like lbcrush one can always try. Mostly they don't change their mind. Instead they deny .In many cases like the poor lb they end up in dead end street. I never try to baptize ( I dislike churches, the only thing I really hate) people like lbcrush. Every person should decide what is best for him.
                  Remember nobody is perfect or special. Not me, not you, not lbcrush , no lb superstars or any other person. But giving advice ( ok with a little teasing) don't harm anyone. In my humble opinion always better than living in cloud 9 and stressing on the positive effects of ice.
                  I've seen to many nice persons turn into their own worst enemy by taking ice or other forbidden fruit.

                  Take care


                  • #84
                    My point was the two of them taking drugs together, not one being a drug dealer, just one giving the 2nd party drugs for sexual favours !
                    Gonna spell it wrong, but as you know I dont care "Bartering" & it has nothing to do with the Simpsons LOL
                    Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


                    • #85
                      (benturpin @ Aug. 16 2008,17:17)
                      (perth_couple @ Aug. 16 2008,16:04) Gotta say Turp's, your message does get a little watered down by the sanctimonious patronising tone...

                      Is this the approach you take in your clinical setting??

                      With lost cases like lbcrush one can always try. Mostly they don't change their mind. Instead they deny .In many cases like the poor lb  they end up in dead end street. I never try to baptize ( I dislike churches, the only thing I really hate) people like lbcrush. Every person should decide what is best for him.
                      Remember nobody is perfect or special. Not me, not you, not lbcrush , no lb superstars or any other person. But giving advice ( ok with a little teasing) don't harm anyone. In my humble opinion always better than living in cloud 9 and stressing on the positive effects of ice.
                      I've seen to many nice persons turn into their own worst enemy by taking ice or other forbidden fruit.

                      Take care
                      See, I'll actually respond to this post, because it isn't so patronizing... I can respect the comments in this post...

                      and for the answer about my affiliation to LadyboyCrush forums... Just look at my signature... c'mon.

                      And heres the deal: I AGREE TOTALLY that methamphetamines ABSOLUTELY CAN & DO RUIN PEOPLES LIVES! It **IS** an EVIL drug... But that doesn't mean that it doesnt have positive effects... And the reason I listed the positive effects, was because those are the effects that explain WHY LADYBOYS TAKE THEM -- And my whole original post was to help people understand the reasons... because when it COMES DOWN TO IT... These ladyboys (in a way) are taking them BECAUSE OF the very customers who are complaining about it. Do you think its EASY for someone to sell their bodies to fat ugly slobs? (that isnt pointed at anyone directly, I just use that to describe SOME of the customers they have to go with to make a living)... It is something I don't envy at all...

                      yes, it would be great if they didnt have to do drugs and they actually enjoyed being prostitutes, but it just ISNT LIKE THAT. And I see no reason to tiptoe around the subject... nor do I see a reason to HIDE or IGNORE the reasons people do what they do.

                      The one thing I appreciate you calling me is a REALIST... Because that is something I am quite proud to be... I consider myself a HARDCORE REALIST.

                      Either way, no harm done... I have no problems with you.. I just hate to see conversations where people stating their opinions turns personal... And to me, that seemed to be where you were going, which is uncalled for.

                      I know you wouldnt buy me a beer if you saw me in a bar... but here ya go... Heres one from me. (Virtual as it may be) Chok dee khap!
                      "What a fucking hero you are.... "
                      -f0xxee (referring to ME! Eat your hearts out EVERYONE -- *I* am f0xxee's fucking hero!)


                      • #86
                        (seamus @ Aug. 16 2008,17:21) My point was the two of them taking drugs together, not one being a drug dealer, just one giving the 2nd party drugs for sexual favours !
                        Gonna spell it wrong, but as you know I dont care "Bartering" & it has nothing to do with the Simpsons LOL
                        I can say that was absolutely not the case.
                        "What a fucking hero you are.... "
                        -f0xxee (referring to ME! Eat your hearts out EVERYONE -- *I* am f0xxee's fucking hero!)


                        • #87
                          How in the hell did you ever make it through medical school Benturpin if you can't read and comprehend...

                          Never once did he stress the positive effects of taking ice...Go back and read his original post...

                          What he said is, what WE as customers of P4P Ladyboys in LOS view as the positive behavior of the girls is likely created by the use of the drug...

                          LBC's original statement:  "While I can agree that there is an evil side to drugs, I don't think many of you grasp that drugs are actually RESPONSIBLE for many of the positive aspects that you come here to experience."

                          And he goes on to say...Don't judge...Something quite obviously, you are unable to do...Never once did he say he did drugs with Fern or with any of the girls...That's your, Harris' and other's invention...

                          There is definitely something lost in translation in this thread...
                          "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                          • #88
                            (kahuna @ Aug. 16 2008,18:28) How in the hell did you ever make it through medical school Benturpin if you can't read and comprehend...

                            Never once did he stress the positive effects of taking ice...Go back and read his original post...

                            What he said is, what WE as customers of P4P Ladyboys in LOS view as the positive behavior of the girls is likely created by the use of the drug...

                            LBC's original statement:  "While I can agree that there is an evil side to drugs, I don't think many of you grasp that drugs are actually RESPONSIBLE for many of the positive aspects that you come here to experience."

                            And he goes on to say...Don't judge...Something quite obviously, you are unable to do...Never once did he say he did drugs with Fern or with any of the girls...That's your, Harris' and other's invention...

                            There is definitely something lost in translation in this thread...
                            That post brought tears to my eyes. Thank you Kahuna. It gets tiresome having to defend myself about things I never said.

                            The world could use more "Ladyboy Worshipping Dicksuckers" like yourself!

                            "What a fucking hero you are.... "
                            -f0xxee (referring to ME! Eat your hearts out EVERYONE -- *I* am f0xxee's fucking hero!)


                            • #89
                              The last time I spoke to her she said the following...

                              "He is just a friend , I go and see him and we smoke Ice together."

                              Somebody is telling lies here , or maybe to fucked up to remember what they did.

                              I have no previous knowledge of you LC but you come over as being a right arrogant ....t in your replies , and not just the ones to me!

                              Anyway Mr Stud you can have her now, her rent is due next week so expect the call.


                              • #90
                                It gets tiresome having to defend myself about things I never said...
                                Oh, don't get me started!

