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Price comparison

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  • #31
    (Naang Faa @ Mar. 17 2008,23:16)
          I've seen yours already,
              The Pattaya phone directory  
    So many Ladyboys so little time..


    • #32
      (vito @ Mar. 18 2008,04:17) I have never paid any lb or gg over 2500 LT and that number was only reached a few times when I was drunk. In Bangkok I pay 1000 75% of the time and 1500 the other 25% for ST. LT break out this way: 25% of the time 1500,70% of the time 2000 and 5% of the time I have paid 2500. In Guess, most of my STs have been 1000 with a few at 1500. I have only done a few LTs from there and they were 2000. No heavy negotiation. I tell them BEFORE they can give me a price in the bar "I pay 1000ST and 1500LT, do you want to go with me?
      Instead of writing this, I'll just quote it and agree.

      I have better experiences with 1000ST than 1500ST. And a girl who goes for 1000 with one guy might go for 2000 with another one. The level of service is NOT related to the price you pay. But the more you pay, the clingier they will be.


      • #33
        (69billy @ Mar. 18 2008,03:33) You have been told lots of s...t ...I bet it was a LB who told you that...
        May be and thats a big maybe 1or2 LB may make that money and thats not every day...
        You'll be suprised to know most can't even buy a meal some days...
        If you pay any LB or GG 1500bt LT a day for a week they'll be more then happy...

        Did you know?,, any one working in a supermarket makes 5-6000bt a month...
        I know a guy who works in a sugar factory 12hrs a day every day and makes 10.000bt a month...

        Yes, it was a LB who said that, thus the reason I thought I would ask the rest of the paying public thier thoughts on the topic. I also wanted to know because I got mixed information in 2 different conversations with her; in one they seemed to hint at at 3,000 baht/night figure is a typical night but when I asked outright after being with them for a bit their info was along the 6,000 and more range.
        As far as price goes, on this continent I would imagine an all nighter with a LB would be in the 40,000 to 60,000 range (if not more)!

        Sorry, not too good with names spoken in Thai or with broken english but if I had to identify her officer I would say she had fake tits and black hair lol.

        I feel bad for those working to earn small wages there but then again everything costs damn near nothing there as well. Cab fare there is a tenth of the price here. Maybe I should retire to Thailand someday....


        • #34
          (Naang Faa @ Mar. 18 2008,05:07)
                 Of course they's funny as ...k here after the girls come home
          As for the size,it's like the "Three Bears- this ones too big,this ones too small
          but this ones is juuusst right....
            Many of the girls have done the same guy because another girl gave a high
          performance rate....
                                    You lot are not the only ones with a "to do" list ya know
          Well considering they started out as guys and being one myself I am forever looking at asses and everyone else is checking out a girl's breast size so why would LBs be any different. Hey and imagine the size of the population they have to compare you to!! I would have to imagine if they talk well about you that it must be earned (or is it tied to how fast they can make you cum and take your money lol? for them I could imagine 1,000 baht for someone who lasts 10 minutes beats the hell out of 1,500 for someoe who takes an hour to get off)


          • #35
            (Chitarrista @ Mar. 17 2008,22:30) I paid around 5000 Baht to hang out for an entire day (LT+?) but of course was told that I was getting a good deal.
            Hey Chita,

            Just to check with you. What do you mean by "hang out for entire day"? Do you mean it as in doing carnal activities in the bedroom or going out shopping-kind?

            If it's the latter, I'm not so sure I'll pay her that kinda money for it. I'll pay all her meals and maybe some knick-knacks, but hey, I hope she enjoys my company as well.
            Always yield to temptation, it may not pass your way again.


            • #36
              (si geena @ Mar. 18 2008,10:50) Just to check with you. What do you mean by "hang out for entire day"? Do you mean it as in doing carnal activities in the bedroom or going out shopping-kind?

              If it's the latter, I'm not so sure I'll pay her that kinda money for it. I'll pay all her meals and maybe some knick-knacks, but hey, I hope she enjoys my company as well.
              More along the lines of letting "it" hang out as opposed to the latter hanging out and when it wasn't out it was still getting a "warm" reception. If that helps answer the question
              The whole ladyboy thing was a long time fantasy of mine and since I had the opportunity I decided to cross another one of life's experiences off my list of things to do. Although I wouldn't say no to another tryst with a LB, I have to say I'm not a full convert I still prefer a real woman.


              • #37
                (si geena @ Mar. 18 2008,10:50) but hey, I hope she enjoys my company as well.
                They enjoy your baht...nothing else...They woulld all much rather be with their Thai friends eating, chatting, shopping, clubbing, getting drunk, doing drugs or fucking...You are deceiving yourself if you think otherwise...
                "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                • #38
                  Legnth of long times varies quite a bit.

                  Some will get a call on their phone and say their sister is in the hospital and leave at 3AM.

                  Others you have to kick out the door at 3PM the next day.

                  Some girls don't get barfined that much for a variety of reasons, maybe looks, shyness, or poor English.

                  These girls may be motivated to try to turn a one nighter into a two weeker especially if they're comfortable with you.


                  • #39
                    (Chitarrista @ Mar. 18 2008,09:26) Well considering they started out as guys and being one myself I am forever looking at asses and everyone else is checking out a girl's breast size so why would LBs be any different.

                    You clearly haven't been privy to a group of girls
                    They are just as bad..
                    Forgot how this forum works  


                    • #40

                      You said it , years ago I worked in a factory that was about 80% women , some of their lewd talk would embarrass even a cheeky chappie like me

                      It was fun at Christmas or any other time we had a party though
                      Free your mind and your ass will follow .


                      • #41

                        Yup,men,women,ladyboys all same same...

                        come on Jimslim 11 more to go.....
                        me and Bigmick will guide ya home....
                        Forgot how this forum works  


                        • #42

                          Cant sweetheart , Im away to the cot , need my beauty sleep

                          Free your mind and your ass will follow .


                          • #43

                            I'm goin to sleep too then *sighs*
                            Forgot how this forum works  


                            • #44

                              Well roll over and make room for a little one
                              Free your mind and your ass will follow .


                              • #45

                                narf narf
                                Forgot how this forum works  

