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Topper does Bali

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  • Topper does Bali

    Just got back from a ten dayer,,and must say it was one of my more enjoyable trips,,,having left the ball & Chain home this time, I got down to some real dirty business.
    Places like the Spybar, santa fe and liquid bar were full of gg's and the usual line up of Ladyboys were there, must say Fiona looked stunning from what i remember.
    At last I had myself a 3some with 2 ladyboys, one that was down from Singapore,,boob job, nice fat dick and the other a young Lb from Surabaya, which I spotted from a distance in Qbar the 2nd night I was there, I wasnt sure of the sng Lb with boobs until I started talking to the both of them and to my delight they didn't have anything on for the night so we all went back to my place and both stayed until the next afternoon, and with a little help from a blue friend of mine we were all able to fuck in every room even in the bathroom,,just taking turns on each other and basicaly have a great time.
    Then the following night it was onto the genetic girls, it must have been halloween night????cause all the girls were dressed in black, I took my time to find who I thought was the best looking girl in the street, 5/5in long black hair to her ass with legs to match,,she was so good I asked her to stay for a couple of days, she reminded me of a china doll,,pert little titties,,nice round browned ass and gorgeous eyes..
    I think Im in love again,,but we cant have that happening can we,,

    With all the dissapointing news from Bangkok of late,,,ie,,bars closing late,,prices charged..
    Its great having Bali to lie about and be treated like a king...

    BTW,,prices for Lb's in Bali is usualy an uptoyou
    and prices for GG's can range from US$30 to 50 for the night and have the next afternoon..

    Jon,,,Monica sends her best and asks when you come back,,,she has stacked on some weight,,,and looks a peach..


  • #2
    stop making me jelous topper you old bastard


    • #3
      Donnnnny, You'll have your turn soon and more to pick from.
      I just missed out on a free weekend to JKT while I was there, but too fucked to bother about jumping on another plane.
      I see in face-pic that a few more girls have there wares on display from Jakarta..
      Give em a try
      One thing about Indo is,some of the women are world class.



      • #4
        shut up topper we dont want the mass hoards from europe there do we)

