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indonesia   for  jon

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  • indonesia   for  jon

    A dear jon letter
    mate if you want to find lots ladyboys from a new country i recon indonesia is the place.I know you have a few girls on sight allready, but a lot more would'nt hurt.I'll be traveling to jakarta on nov 20th after all the ramadan shit is over.I'd be more than willing to show you around chilandak and taman lawang, also the disco tanamor is supposed to have a few. Any way if your interested mail me or let me know here.
    The girls up in jakarta are hot for fun they love sex partys and are into the sex more than the money, even though they all get payed.
    Not so many have boob jobs but i have had a few who have implants, so they are there if you look

  • #2
    i agree, man.....i love Sumi and Febby and Evita and all of the Indo girls.....i personally feel as though Indo has the 2nd best population for shemale's in Asia [we all know which country is first] and I am sure that Bali-Ken would agree with that. seems like you Aussie's enjoy that place and I do as well; I literally can't get any further from my house in new england than JKT and Bali but last years trip was worth it. We are the only site which brings Indo ladyboys [waria] to the public in such large numbers and we are very proud of that fact.

    too bad they can't get hormones and boob jobs, but some of the faces on these girls are just amazing and as I say that is probably the 2nd best place in the world to find LB's. check out Monica, Ella, Fiona, Yuki, Sonya, Naomi, Tasya and my favorite, Sumi.......all killers for sure.

    thanks donnnnnny....see ya there? I have been to Taman Lawang and the Tanumur and also the Stadium club[ got home at 6AM that night; i am really getting too old for this shit]....wild fucking city



    • #3
      If your heading up to JKT, then you will probably be stopping of in bali for a day either way,,I should be back up there straight after the footy finals, early/mid oct.
      let me know your plans, Bintang's on me...



      • #4
        no worrys bali-ken was thinkingt of a couple of days in bali on the way
        cheers donnnnny

