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  • Argentina

    someone has travelled in Argentina, Buenos Aires ? How is the situation with LB, whre can yhey be found ?
    Thanks a lot

  • #2
    Hi marathon

    Yes, someone has travelled in Argentina. Don't know the situation with LBs but if I wanted to know where they were, I would use the Search button on top of this page.

    Save waiting for a reply & try it yourself. There are many threads covering South America, you're sure to find something.

    After you have been there, you can add one of your own...
    Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


    • #3
      How's it going lads, my first post. Spent 4 months last year in Buenos Aires.. great city and there are plenty of lb's.. some incredibly beautiful but there's quite a lot who just take your money and then start wingeing. There are quite a lot on or if you are going for p4p which you probably will have to I can certainly recommend Paulo Saez a hot blonde who is a nice girl, very sexy and not a rip off artist like a lot of the rest. I have attached a photo of her .. hope it comes through. Many of the others
      There are literally loads of Ts girls outside Crobar nightclub in Palermo.. some of them quite hot.. but make sure you make the terms clear beforehand or else there may be an arguement over passive, active etc. This area is known as the Rosedal or Rosegarden and numerous Ts girls ply their trade here, however as I was leaving there was a lot of talk about relocating the girls to a nearby location.. basically any person in B.A will tell you where as it was big news this year.
      Other than p4p you can try your luck at Angels club, its located at Viamonte 2168.. this is between the city centre and the popular expat area of palermo. I went on a thursday and it wasnt great but they say Saturdays is the night but imo Lbs in South America is very much ap4p region. But in fairness its a great part of the world so enjoy the city and some of the hot lbs!! Bueno Suerte,, if you need any more info just send me a message
      Attached Files
      d murphy


      • #4
        Thanks a lot,
        it is very helpful to make decision. I was planning a trip to Thailand but with the actual political situation, I prefer to visit another place. I'm still balanced between Philippines and Argentina. However, the information provided make me think more about Argentina.


        • #5
          oops.... duplicate post see below


          • #6
            Buenos Aires is really one of the great under appreciated destinations in the world, esp. if you're in the US & so close for visiting. It's probably the most European city in the Americas, you feel as if you're in an Italian city that speaks spanish. A lot of culture, cafes, restaurants, wine bars, neat neighborhoods... about the only thing lacking seems to be vegetables.  
            And it's really cheap. Brazil gets all the noise for it's beautiful women, & I won't dispute it's true, but Argentina is actually as good, but different... AND safer, though people with money get kidnapped there as well as in the rest of Latin America it seems, so be careful
            If you speak spanish you'll have a tremendous time, if not it's still worth a trip. I've never explored the TG side of BA but I know, albeit second hand, it is pretty accessible with a number of websites, in spanish, addressing this aspect.

            This is from another forum, I can't vouch for the veracity but it may help you a bit:

            "In Buenos Aires, you need a car to go the red zone for TGirls between 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM averyday, the place is a square behind Palermo's racecourse, "Parque 3 de Febrero" park.
            Be careful, the pictures used at scorts websites, have a lot of Potoshop retouching. "


            • #7
              I'm sure Ernesto done some field work in the americas, try a search of his posts! I could be wrong you know, i usually am  
              i'm going where the sun keeps shining.................


              • #8
                Marshal, your recollection is correct: here is the link to Ernesto's Buenos Aires trip report in 2007. Marathon, the situation in Thailand may be stabilizing if the Democrat coalition is able to form a government. Don't be so quick to write it off.

                Without further ado: Ernesto in Buenos Aires

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                • #9
                  Thanks for the info about Buenos Aires wild rover. I'm in the early stages of planning a trip for next year and appreciate any info I can get.
                  I don't get it, is this a magic show?


                  • #10
                    Hi Gang! I'll be in Igassu Falls and BA next week. Does anyone have any up to date information?

