Hi, I'm talking with 3 LBs in Manila on Facebook, they are 20 years old and 2 of them fell in love for me and when I asked them why, they answered me I was the first their foreign. They never had sex with a foreign and they would love to touch me and have sex with me. Even a LB told me she was virgin and never her ass was fucked. I think they are telling me many lies, is it right? I ask info to some experienced guys. Thanks
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Can it be true?
Filipino ladyboys on facebook are a dime a dozen, they are almost endless.
I'm sure they are as in love with you as anyone can be on the internet that has never met.
Anyone can say they are a virgin, how would you prove it? Why does it even matter?
There is a a lot of them and they are mostly full of crap I would think.
How many other guys on facebook do you figure they are talking to?
If you are asking if you should send them money? I would say no.
Should you go there and fuck them? Probably.
There is plenty more were those came from so I wouldn't care one way or the other about any specific ones.
Originally posted by CRAG View PostFilipino ladyboys on facebook are a dime a dozen, they are almost endless.
I'm sure they are as in love with you as anyone can be on the internet that has never met.
Anyone can say they are a virgin, how would you prove it? Why does it even matter?
Originally posted by StLucifer View Post
But may be I have to believe them. They don't live in Manila, they live in a town near Manila. They have to take a bus and if they like to reach me, they have to spend 2-3 hours. All them want to meet me. Why?
Probably because they want money and a foreign boyfriend.
Most likely they are this likely to meet any foreign man.
In this country, like many asian countries, the children are expected to provide a certain amount to the family.
A good western boyfriend with money helps them fulfill their obligations and live a better lifestyle.
At worst they make some money and spend a vacation with you.
Originally posted by CRAG View Post
Probably because they want money and a foreign boyfriend.
Most likely they are this likely to meet any foreign man.
Can it really be true that StLucifer continues to ask the same questions on different forums with different user names and doesn't contribute anything useful?
FoxAd, on 28 Feb 2016 - 10:24 PM, said:Hi, I'm talking with 3 LBs in Manila, they are 20 years old and 2 of them fell in love for me and when I asked them why, they answered me I was the first their foreign. They never had sex with a foreign and they would love to touch me and have sex with me. Even a LB told me she was virgin and never her ass was fucked. I think they are telling me many lies, is it right? I ask info to some experienced guys. Thanks
How about it StLucifer why do you continue to ask these kinds of questions, without posting anything useful on the forums?
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I've spent a good amount of time in the Philippines. I think it's very common for girls to be enamored with a foreigner. The Philippines is a very poor country. If you take a girl to Starbucks, it's likely to only time she'll be getting Starbucks the whole month. If you take her to your air conditioned hotel room, it may be the only time she's in an air conditioned bedroom that year. So yes - you have socioeconomic status. And their culture as a whole doesn't have as many hangups about sex. So girls can be forward.
Enjoy itI think Ph is literally the easiest place to score on the planet.
Originally posted by FunIsAnArtForm View PostEnjoy itI think Ph is literally the easiest place to score on the planet.
Originally posted by StLucifer View Post
But I don't think you can fuck regular girls in short time. May be you are talking about freelancers. I have chatted with some girls on the net and they were very very happy to talk with me. Every day they wrote to me. But when I asked them the to come to my apartment for a dinner, all them declined and I abandoned them. Therefore you thoughts are different from mine. I think you are referring to freelancers. I inform you I am 58 years old but very goodlooking.
Ummm ... that's just a bad process man. Coming to your apartment for dinner as a first date? Before they know you? That doesn't really work :P
Take them to Starbucks. Talk to them for 30-60 minutes. Get to know them a little, have them get to know you a little. Build some trust, attraction, rapport.
I usually then say I just saw a really funny YouTube video. Want to watch it with me? My hotel's a 3 minute walk away.
I'm not saying it works every time - it's probably 60% success rate. Girls will still sometimes say no. And sometimes will end up back at my hotel and not hook up. But a really high percentage of the time we do hook up. In the United States getting 60% of a first date back home and naked definitely wouldn't happen :P or in any other country I've been to for that matter.
Anyway. The girls are easy, I think your process just needs a little work.
Originally posted by FunIsAnArtForm View PostI usually then say I just saw a really funny YouTube video. Want to watch it with me? My hotel's a 3 minute walk away.
Originally posted by StLucifer View Post
Thanks for your pleasant suggestions. Out of curiosity. If they give you sex, then you will buy them gifts or give them some meney? In the Philippines I know every girl doesn't do anything without money or gifts.
I only have experience with GGs in Philippines, but no, I didn't give gifts or money. I might pay for their taxi to meet me or to go back home, but that's about it.
Filipino Cupid was the main dating site I used in the Philippines. Tinder might be good enough now to replace it, not sure. But FC is pretty amazing.
StLucifer, great, at last you wrote something true about yourself - you would get more replies than pretending you are planning to go somewhere and ask the same questions over again. Are ladyboys dangerous in Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, are ladyboys better in Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, etc.
GGs are genetic girls - the common abbreviation used on all lb forums.
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