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Manila Bay Cafe AKA 'La Cafe'

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  • Manila Bay Cafe AKA 'La Cafe'

    Does anyone have an update on the night life of Manila Bay Cafe formerly known as LA Cafe? Any scams?
    They even kept the logo. Let's see how long it lasts, since Lim vowed to make sure it does not re-open under a new name.

    Greetz , Stealth
    Attached Files
    *I Am A Certified Fillipino Ladyboy Lover & I Love Elegant And Gothic Crossplay Angels ( Home Of The Braves ) *

  • #2
    ..from the Manila Standard Today, Jun 23, 2010

    Lim padlocks LA Café for good

    Some people have pulled a fast one on Mayor Alfredo Lim who closed down L.A. Café, a bar that he himself had padlocked during his term of office 10 years ago.

    Manila Police officers rounded up at the club last week about 200 women together with 17 minors allegedly involved in the sex trade.

    While ordering a closure, Lim instructed Chief Supt. Rodolfo Magtibay to find out how L.A. Café managed to resume operations in Malate after his administration's drive in the 1990s to clean up the city's red district.

    "This is among those shuttered in my first incumbency. They moved to nearby localities and elsewhere to as far as Angeles City," he said in a statement, underscoring regulations allowing entertainment only in the district without any prostitution at all.

    The bar at the three-floor L.A. Café on M.H. Del Pilar corner Salas streets and an adjacent five-floor annex are reportedly owned Australians John Thorpe and Christer Bigander but managed by a certain Anselmo Candado.

    Manila Social Welfare chief Jay dela Fuente said charges for human trafficking and child abuse have been filed against the principals and the bar managers identified as Emelinda Viray, Rodalyn Taja and Grace Perez; supervisor Lilia Montanilla and Carla Serrano and Nora Abellosa.

    Earlier, International Justice Mission€”a foreign-based advocate€”wrote Lim about the café-bar employing women and minors whose customers were foreigners.

    The raid was made by a team composed of the anti-human trafficking unit of the Department of Justice, Manila Police, and the Department of Labor.

    Following Lim's directive, Magtibay is expected to trace the paper trail in city hall through every stage in the processing, approval and issuance of a business permit and license, fire and sanitation inspection, employment and renewals. Macon Ramos-Ara
    ..well there goes my sure ST stop in Ermita before my run to Angeles City; like they say nothing lasts forever.. had lots of fun times there; no forced lady drinks, no bar fines, lots of ladies to choose from on Fri/Sat nites & there were always a few stunners show up too; now that's over & the girls will have to look else where for their rent money!  Now major are you going to make up the difference the L.A. Cafe contributed for medical supplies & care plus feeding the orphans & homeless kids every week?  ... no? ... I didn't think so.. sometimes you have to chose between the lesser of two evils..  
    .. I'm not young enough to know everything, and not old enough to have done everything..


    • #3
      I have been there in january, see my report Manila


      • #4
        I was at Manila Bay Cafe yesterday. I noticed very little different from the old LA Cafe, except they were adamant about checking all girls IDs when they came in, even the older ones who were obviously of age.

        At 10am, the crowd was slim (about 10 girls there and about 5 customers). By 11am, more girls had come in. I ended up taking a nice GG who promised a one-hour blowjob. Didn't get the full hour BJ but I still payed.


        • #5
          On my recent trip, about 6 weeks ago, they weren't letting ladyboys in. I don't know about scams, but generally speaking, that part of town is full of scammers and tricksters. Do NOT use the money exchangers there, they shuffle the bills around and slip some off the counter quite trickily.

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          • #6
            (transcebu @ Nov. 30 2010,12:38) On my recent trip, about 6 weeks ago, they weren't letting ladyboys in. I don't know about scams, but generally speaking, that part of town is full of scammers and tricksters.
            That part of town is still a shithole.  Saw someone peeing on the curb on Mabini hear P Faura yesterday at 3pm. And you can't walk one block without being approached by beggars or someone wanting to scam you.  But it is where the Manila Bay Cafe  is, as well as Robinson's where the LBs hang out.

            I've never seen a LB in Bay Cafe/ LA Cafe and I've been there many, many times.  In that area of town, the LBs are at Robinson's Mall. One just left my hotel an hour ago, I saw her walking through the mall at 3pm and struck up a conversation.  Easy!  I like Robinson's Mall better than LA Cafe, as the girls seem like they are more "regular". But how regular is a girl that greets you in the mall with a big smile and says "Hello sir, where are you going now?" and 30 minutes later is riding your cock.

            Cafe Havana at Greenbelt is also a place for GGs and a few LBs, but it can be a longish ride when there is heavy traffic


            • #7
              its scary there
              You Can Take Taneisha Out Of The Party, But You Can't Take The Party Out Of Taneisha  


              • #8
                (EyeMahk @ Nov. 30 2010,16:46)
                (transcebu @ Nov. 30 2010,12:38) On my recent trip, about 6 weeks ago, they weren't letting ladyboys in. I don't know about scams, but generally speaking, that part of town is full of scammers and tricksters.
                That part of town is still a shithole.  Saw someone peeing on the curb on Mabini hear P Faura yesterday at 3pm. And you can't walk one block without being approached by beggars or someone wanting to scam you.  But it is where the Manila Bay Cafe  is, as well as Robinson's where the LBs hang out.

                I've never seen a LB in Bay Cafe/ LA Cafe and I've been there many, many times.  In that area of town, the LBs are at Robinson's Mall. One just left my hotel an hour ago, I saw her walking through the mall at 3pm and struck up a conversation.  Easy!  I like Robinson's Mall better than LA Cafe, as the girls seem like they are more "regular". But how regular is a girl that greets you in the mall with a big smile and says "Hello sir, where are you going now?" and 30 minutes later is riding your cock.

                Cafe Havana at Greenbelt is also a place for GGs and a few LBs, but it can be a longish ride when there is heavy traffic
                Is the Robinson's you're referring to the one a couple streets up from Hyatt? Never saw LBs in there but I'll take your word for it...
                I agree that the area is hell to walk through if you look like a foreigner. Last time there I was hounded by beggars to point of almost running away.


                • #9
                  (Buddy @ Dec. 03 2010,14:50) Is the Robinson's you're referring to the one a couple streets up from Hyatt? Never saw LBs in there but I'll take your word for it...
                  Yes, that is the one. Yes, there are LBs there, many of them on the game hang outside Starbucks. Order a coffee, sit outside and take a look.

                  The two I went with from that mall were actually ones I saw inside. Just walking around. One was a cute GG with walking with a "not so beautiful friend" . Both of them smiled at me and we just chatted a bit, told each other some lies and they asked me where I was staying and if I wanted company. So I just took the cute one with me. The other one was a LB that was killing time before she had to go to work in the area at 6pm - some cabaret show somewhere.

                  What I did was make eye contact, see if you get a smile, say hello and the ones on the game will ask you where you are staying, where you are going now, etc. All in all, it's a very soft scene and a nice change of pace. if you go in there like a bull in a china shop, you're bound to offend someone and make an ass of yourself. Try to be cool.

                  If you need immediate relief, just go to Manila Bay Cafe (formerly LA Cafe). 99% there is on the game. Many there are real pros, but some are girls that go there every now and then looking for some spare cash. Got a real gem from there on my last night, the cutest thing, from Cebu and worked in a shop during the day.


                  • #10
                    My indelible memory from the one time I went to the LA Cafe is that of a large cockroach sauntering across the surface of the bar almost invisible in the darkness, but I couldn't take my eyes off it & I made sure I kept my drink off the bar .


                    • #11
                      Hello guys I'm in Manila this weekend everything is very quiet because is Semana Santa here any recommendations?

                      Thanks a lot


                      • #12
                        everything is back to normal on saturday clubs will be open as usual.
                        You Can Take Taneisha Out Of The Party, But You Can't Take The Party Out Of Taneisha  


                        • #13
                           ..I've never had the problems everyone else has just mentioned, beggars yes but when you see women with small kids sleeping on the filthy concrete sidewalks there late at night, begging is a means of survival for those people & I can live with it.. moneychangers I don't use 'em, if I need cash I use the bank ATMs there during the day hrs, and I never go to any bar until after 8pm so finding women or LBs is no problem at that time of night, usually later is better, especially on Fri/Sat nights..  oh & if it doesn't take longer than 30 mins to get there I walk (unless it's raining), day or night, never had a problem getting harassed walking back to my hotel at night either.. of course there are places you wouldn't wanna walk alone at night there but I usually stay on the main streets where jeepneys/trikes are always running so it's never been a problem for me, in Manila or Angeles..  
                          .. I'm not young enough to know everything, and not old enough to have done everything..


                          • #14
                            The worst place in ermita.. the people around are goons, and for sure some girls and pimps are syndicate operated.. had a bad experience outside, encountered some really bad people and not too mention the taxi driver... how i wish he's dead now...


                            • #15
                              one member can actually attest to that, coz i was with him, but the whole scenario was not very clear to his mind, he was just thinking that we were having an argument, but the guy following us still after being away from the scene for 15-20 meters, i had to explain to him what the guy was saying coz it was in tagalog, and we almost got killed.... the guy was actually threatening us... ughh i was shaking inside but was only able to talk when we got inside another cab.. hell that place.... will never ever step my foot again any meters close to manila bay cafe.

