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All ladyboy bar... in the Philippines?

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  • All ladyboy bar... in the Philippines?

    For the PI hands among us here (or anyone else in the know!) ---  a Manila gurl tells me there is an all-ladyboy bar on P. Burgos St. in Makati: 15 dancers & 15 GROs.  

    Have any of YOU heard of this?!  IF true, this would make it the first ladyboy-only bar in the PI!  History in the making!!!    

    If I don´t hear back from anyone, I´ll be going there in July and will post back here what I find out´in loco´.  
    More, More, More ... how do you like it?, how do you like it? ... More, More, More ...

  • #2
    I hope I am wrong but I think she is lying, I was there in Burgos 3 nights ago and if I had seen it I would of been straight in there, I could be wrong but I didnt see it. I very rarely goto manila but there are many on the streets of burgos in the late hours, 1000p st is an easy feat there!


    • #3
      (PILOS @ May 03 2009,11:53) 15 GROs.
      What is a GRO?

      Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

      "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


      • #4
        GRO stands for "Guest Relation Officer", a often used term for the girls in bars who entertain the guys. If you want you can usually barfine them.
        Not that I have any experience with this

        I know there are some lb's strolling up and down to find customers, but I never heard of let alone found a ladyboy bar in P. Burgos Str. It's a pity


        • #5
          Just out of curiousity do any of you PI hands know why this is? There seems to be as many lbs in the PI as in LOS, is it the Catholic thing with the police harassing bars.... or is it just lack of a steady clientele?

          I know there are some big drag shows that target tourists & the curious. I wonder if there isn't a market for this type of bar somewhere in Manila or Cebu.
          I would certainly be willing to try this for any of you guys that want to invest in it.


          • #6
            (El_hefe @ May 09 2009,14:17) Just out of curiousity do any of you PI hands know why this is? There seems to be as many lbs in the PI as in LOS.
            I don't know what it is but there are a lot of lbs around Angeles City area. I heard of one family that had 4 ladyboy sons.

            fwiw: I did find a bar that had lb singers / enetertainers that included gay dancers. I forgot the name of the place, but it is away from the main drag and beside a Zapatas Mexican restaurant.


            • #7
              (El_hefe @ May 09 2009,08:17) Just out of curiousity do any of you PI hands know why this is? There seems to be as many lbs in the PI as in LOS, is it the Catholic thing with the police harassing bars.... or is it just lack of a steady clientele?

              I know there are some big drag shows that target tourists & the curious. I wonder if there isn't a market for this type of bar somewhere in Manila or Cebu.
              I would certainly be willing to try this for any of you guys that want to invest in it.  
              I think it has a great deal to do with the fact that the Philippines is a traditional conservative society. It takes a long time for attitudes to change in countries like this.

              The Philippines doesn't have the big tourism base that LOS does, so I don't think that the locals would supply enough business and cash to support this kind.

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              • #8
                That's exactly what I was guessing. tho I overlooked the weak foreign tourist market. Shame... seems like there may be an opportunity there somewhere, but I suspect it would have to be more of a gay venue than a lb bar. A lot of talent there.


                • #9
                  Well i am planning to go next year to the fillippines my self on a 3 week tour to find out all abouth the LB actions over there.

                  I am planning to visit: Davao , Dipolog , Cagayan De Oro , Bohol , Bacolod , Cebu , Manila And Angel City and maybe Cavite if i still have some time left

                  Right now i have contact with different LB through the
                  Date site and believe me there are some stunners there as well.
                  You guy`s are right because of the religion and some strikt goverment rules there are no real LB bar in the fillippines but behind close doors there is a lot of actions going on and these girls make very good use of the digital high way to connect with the ouside world
                  what i like abouth the fillippines ladyboy is that they all speak perfect english so the communication is very easy
                  the only thing i hate abouth them is the endeless begging for money that drive me crazy
                  But all in all it`s for sure a nice place to be only you have to relay search to fine bar en clubs and hide out`s where they al hang out

                  But my luck is i have now 1 LB station at every location that i will go to and they will lead me to there hang out place so i can later on give a full report on where you have to go to meet them with name of the place and street direction and eventualy if i pay something what are the price`s

                  ps. in my next post i will upload some pictures of some of my darling angels that i have contact with right now

                  Cheers , Stealth
                  *I Am A Certified Fillipino Ladyboy Lover & I Love Elegant And Gothic Crossplay Angels ( Home Of The Braves ) *


                  • #10
                    These are pictures of a few of my darling angels of the fillippines , enjoy
                    Attached Files
                    *I Am A Certified Fillipino Ladyboy Lover & I Love Elegant And Gothic Crossplay Angels ( Home Of The Braves ) *


                    • #11
                      These are pictures of a few of my darling angels of the fillippines , enjoy
                      Attached Files
                      *I Am A Certified Fillipino Ladyboy Lover & I Love Elegant And Gothic Crossplay Angels ( Home Of The Braves ) *


                      • #12
                        These are pictures of a few of my darling angels of the fillippines , enjoy
                        *I Am A Certified Fillipino Ladyboy Lover & I Love Elegant And Gothic Crossplay Angels ( Home Of The Braves ) *


                        • #13
                          The name of the LB bar is Shampoo

                          Have your taxi driver drop you at the corner of Makati Avenue and P. Burgos Street

                          Walk 1/2 way up P. Burgos from Makati Avenue towards Kalayaan Street

                          When you reach the Filling Station (24 hour bar/cafe, corner of P. Burgos and Durban Street on the left) turn right

                          Shampoo bar is the first bar on the left side of Durban St

                          (that is, diagonally across Burgos from the Filling Station)

                          The night I was in Shampoo (some 2 weeks ago) was their 'soft opening' night with about 15 LB GROs in attendance

                          Many back from contracts in Japan, saw a few familiar faces from my Friendster 'friend list' as well as one Amazing Show alumni

                          Inquired with the mamasan about bar fines - she said the owner had not decided on any policy yet, and so recommended that I select a friend, buy a few drinks, and strike a deal for closing time at 4am  

                          As I was on the way to Puerto Galera early in the morning, I politely declined and filed the place away for future reference

                          By the way - Stealth's methodology is recommended for extended stays in the Philippines, local guides are the best

                          Some final comments

                          The second photo in post 11 is Martina - long-time escort, definitely a pro, reports from friends suggest caution advised

                          Alternately, the last photo in post 12 is one of the nicest, well-educated, and friendliest girls in the islands - 'J' from Mactan, Cebu

                          Comes from a fairly well-off family and works as an editor for a customer survey call center - a classy girl, definitely non-pro but treat her right and you may get lucky

                          I had previously posted some guides to action in Manila and Cebu - guess some of them were dropped in the server swap several years ago

                          PM me if you have any specific questions

                          Looking forward to your trip report

                          All the best
                          Do you remember when flying was dangerous and sex was safe?


                          • #14
                            This is certainly good news thick81, Do you know ifs this is a perminant bar then? I shall have to get down in the next week or 2.
                            Thanks I completely missed it.


                            • #15
                              The night I was in Shampoo (some 2 weeks ago) was their 'soft opening' night with about 15 LB GROs in attendance
                              Do you mean just the GRO's are lb's, or the dancers as well?
                              Mister Arse

