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The latest ST/ LT rates in The Philippines...

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  • The latest ST/ LT rates in The Philippines...

    Would like to have an update on ladyboy rate in the Philippines : Manilla , Angles , Cebu

    Short time :
    overnight :


  • #2
    Up to how gullible they think you are 500 to 1000 st or LT any time


    • #3
      any feedback in n2010


      • #4
        It depends if you take them in a bar or on the street or from a contact.
        Manilla 3,500 in bars l-t, 500 on the street s-t
        Cebu; 2000 l-t; 500 on the street s-t
        Angeles; 1200 by contact l-t


        • #5
          Good answer.
          World's Greatest Tgirl Cam Site.


          • #6
            Boracay was average of 1000 Peso per session.

            Cebu the same if you get inside of a bar.
            On the street you can get 2 LB for 1000 peso if you are lucky to find a pair.  
            Be careful, I had one pilfer my pants pocket on the floor while busy with the other one. Tried to steal a 1000 note I had in the pocket but I salvaged it and kicked them out.

            If you make contact with some form a dating site, then 500-1000 seems to be sufficient. Depends how you like them and how you connect. These are the best in my opinion because you can get a repeat visit form them if you hit it off.


            • #7
              (StreetDog @ May 29 2010,10:42) On the street you can get 2 LB for 1000 peso if you are lucky to find a pair.  
              Be careful, I had one pilfer my pants pocket on the floor while busy with the other one. Tried to steal a 1000 note I had in the pocket but I salvaged it and kicked them out.
              500 peso each... thats kinda tight... they probably deserved the extra 1000 in your pocket.

              Just think... for the small amount of money, you probably wouldn't have needed to kick them out and you could have had a ball


              A worthy trip report


              • #8
                It also depends if you have a face like a dropped pie or you are hansum George Clooney type.
                Again this is one of those threads that is going to be very subjective depending on your personal charm factor.

                "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                • #9
                  My Philippine-experience was all over a good one.
                  Totally 15 ladyboys and 13 GGs (Angeles,Cebu,Bohol, Boracay, Manila).
                  No losses by thefts at all.
                  This I cannot say from Indonesia, Malaysia and not even from Thailand.
                  (Camera,recorder, Eau de toilette, money).
                  Usual tip 1000 Pisos (it was never a real St, mostly 2-3 hours).
                  All details to be found in my latest reports.



                  • #10
                    These where the price i use in Cebu , and all ladyboy stay LT

                    The prices that i use was: for the Shopping Mall or street ladyboy or GG`s was between 800 to a 1000 Php ( Depending on how good looking she was ) and if i had a real good time with her she will get a additional 100 Php tip with 20 Php taxi money.

                    The girls or ladyboy`s i pick up in the clubs i give them a little bit more credid for there effort and my standard price was between 1000 to 1200 Php and 200 Php tip and 20 Php Taxi money.

                    Greetz , Stealth
                    *I Am A Certified Fillipino Ladyboy Lover & I Love Elegant And Gothic Crossplay Angels ( Home Of The Braves ) *


                    • #11
                      oooppps , i posted this to the wrong thread


                      • #12
                        No losses by thefts at all.
                        ..and I agree with ernesto, never had a problem with Phil GGs or LBs, but Thai LBs i got ripped really good by being sloppy 1 nite with a freelancer hanging out in front of the 7-11 near Nana Plaza!

               I've said b4 on other posts here, never had a problem with P.I. LBs or GGs; the usual reply was "it's up to you" when it came to price, but with the Thai LBs it could be a hassle, the Thai GGs were much less so, whatever i offered was accepted no arguments..  I never did many short times in the Phil, it was usually an all niter @ 1000/1500 pesos depending the class of GG/LB i selected for the nite..
                        .. I'm not young enough to know everything, and not old enough to have done everything..

