Hello chums,
I have been living in bangers for just over a year now and have filled my hard drive with pics of lbs blowing my banger.
However constantly cutting the pics from the memory card and pasting them to my laptop has created LB ghosts. I.e I cant get rid of the pics or they suddenly pop up in a slideshow about a trip to grand palace, or overlap new pics.
Any idea how i can clean the memory card or is jesus punishing me for sucking cock?
I have been living in bangers for just over a year now and have filled my hard drive with pics of lbs blowing my banger.
However constantly cutting the pics from the memory card and pasting them to my laptop has created LB ghosts. I.e I cant get rid of the pics or they suddenly pop up in a slideshow about a trip to grand palace, or overlap new pics.
Any idea how i can clean the memory card or is jesus punishing me for sucking cock?
