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Hep  B vaccination

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  • Hep  B vaccination

    I was wondering if many guys out there are sucking LB cock without Hepatitis B vaccinations?? Any negative experiences contracting this from oral?? thnx in advance

  • #2
    You mean to ask is there anyone stupid enough to be sucking cock in Thailand without the Hepatitis B vaccinations?


    • #3
      I suspect that the risk is a lot less than some people say. I wrote a long piece on this but lost it when I tried to post and I can't be arsed to write it again!

      Basically no risk is better than a small risk so get yourself protected!

      But even though I personally doubt that you'll get Hep B from oral sex it is theoretically possible as the virus is present in semen.

      Yes I have read the CDC website that insists that it is high risk - and the Cosmo magazine (trash comic for idiot women) that use scare tactics to sell magazines, but I haven't ever heard of a reliably documented case of this ever happening!

      I've seen many more (equally authorotative) reports suggesting that the risk is almost non-existent

      So the risk depends on who you ask doesn't it!!!


      • #4
        Something like 11-30% of the Thai population are carriers of Hepititus in one form or another according to some medical stats I read - why take any chances - you can get vacinated for Hep B for sure and its not exactly difficult or expensive - personally I know quite a few people who have Hep B incl my old GF and a entire farang/Thai family - many Thais are born with it through infection from their mother and tend not to even know it until their liver packs up when they are aged anywhere from 20-50 years old - innoculations are not common for westerners unless you specifically ask as its considered low risk in the west. I am always amazed at how paranoid Thai hookers are about HIV/AIDS, yet so ignorant of Hep B which is far more widespread and common even in Thailand.



        • #5
          What the heck would one be doing in a 3rd world country w/o a Hep B vaccine? Hep A, Hep B, Typhoid, Tetanus, whatever else - get all the vaccinations.
          Retired the top 12.  Need a new dirty dozen.  

          Update: The new list is coming together: Nong Poy, Anita, Nok, Gif, Liisa Winkler, Kay, Nina Poon.  Is it possible to find 5 more?  Until then, GGs:  Jessica Alba, Yuko Ogura, Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Q, and Gong Li.


          • #6
            For those of you that live around the Toronto area this is the guy I went to see. He's an epidemiologist and an expert on the Asian area... I got the series of Hep A&B shots along with some other needed vaccinations.

            Travel & Immunisation Clinic
            Dr. Medhat Gindi
            2000 Credit Valley Road Suite 201 Mississauga, ON
            (905) 828-6000 (905) 828-9372

            Not only does he give you all the needed vaccinations for your travels but he gave me prescriptions for Zithomax in case I got sick from the food or picked up an STD.. and Jet-lag pills to help me sleep... plus on my last trip he even gave me a prescription for Tamiflu used to treat the Chicken Flu since there were some cases in Thailand.
            I also receive my yearly Flu shot from him and it's totally free covered by OHIP.


            • #7
              Zithromax is easily obtained at any half decent pharmacy in Thailand - made by Pfizer I think in Australia - its about 600 baht for 6 tablets of 500mg size.



              • #8
                rarely do meet any thai hooker that is paranoid of hiv or any other std.

                but i have done my 3 shots of hep b. the doc told me it would give me about 80% immunity for 10yrs.


                • #9
                  (mardhi @ Jul. 17 2006,13:17) Zithromax is easily obtained at any half decent pharmacy in Thailand - made by Pfizer I think in Australia - its about 600 baht for 6 tablets of 500mg size.  

                  I bought some Zithromax in Thailand before that turned out to be a fake.

                  At least when I have Canadian Zithromax with me I know it's real and going to work if I need it.


                  • #10
                    If you are going to Thailand and will be romping with bargirls and ladyboys you should definitly get the Hep B vacinations.

                    However, just becuase u get the shots doesn't always mean you're immune but it's works for most people.


                    • #11
                      (Bam @ Jul. 17 2006,09:00) For those of you that live around the Toronto area this is the guy I went to see. He's an epidemiologist and an expert on the Asian area... I got the series of Hep A&B shots along with some other needed vaccinations.

                      Travel & Immunisation Clinic
                      Dr. Medhat Gindi
                      2000 Credit Valley Road Suite 201 Mississauga, ON
                      (905) 828-6000 (905) 828-9372

                      Not only does he give you all the needed vaccinations for your travels but he gave me prescriptions for Zithomax in case I got sick from the food or picked up an STD.. and Jet-lag pills to help me sleep... plus on my last trip he even gave me a prescription for Tamiflu used to treat the Chicken Flu since there were some cases in Thailand.
                      I also receive my yearly Flu shot from him and it's totally free covered by OHIP.
                      Yikes! You live in Toronto? One of the world's SARS hotspots, and with that most profound of mayors?!?!?!?

                      Anyway, here in the U.S., we know we can't trust Canadian medicine - our drugmakers and bought politicians tell us so. If your life depends on it, you should be importing from US!

                      Ps. Bush is protecting us from the evils of terrorism. That's why we've never had a terrorist attack since 9/11. Other than John Muhammed, the Ohio sniper, the Anthrax mailer(s) (see also the fakes, e.g. the latest New York Times threat), Richard Reid, and whoever else has been causing problems. No doubt you guys in Toronto are not as safe.

                      Just kidding. If Bam goes to a doctor, I'm going to that doctor. If Mirimark goes to a doctor, I'm staying away - he must've finally caught the plague.
                      Retired the top 12.  Need a new dirty dozen.  

                      Update: The new list is coming together: Nong Poy, Anita, Nok, Gif, Liisa Winkler, Kay, Nina Poon.  Is it possible to find 5 more?  Until then, GGs:  Jessica Alba, Yuko Ogura, Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Q, and Gong Li.


                      • #12

                        Don't swallow Thats for Randyman!



                        • #13
                          Today I had My Hep A, Hep B and Typhoid jabs.
                          Never had them before but after reading this thought it would be a good idea. All free on the NHS!
                          They wanted me to have a rabies jab, but wanted £105!! I'll just steer clear of the Soi Dogs
                          seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


                          • #14
                            i've been bitten by dogs twice in los. had to have 5 rabies shot and one tetanus shot. the second time a refill of three shots...dont remember the price but it was cheap compared to what i payed home(first time, i took the first 3 in los and the late two in norway). i believe it's ok to wait to the rabies shot until something should occur like a dog-bite, as long as you do it in 12-24hrs...


                            • #15
                              (post-op lover @ Jul. 18 2006,22:52) Yikes!  You live in Toronto?  One of the world's SARS hotspots, and with that most profound of mayors?!?!?!?
                              Dude, you watch too much CNN.

                              The American CNN coverage of the so called SARS €˜epidemic' was just so unbelievable. They kept showing people with masks on walking around. The whole SARS thing in Toronto was centered around one Hospital... not the whole damn city like CNN was reporting.  I didn't see anyone with a mask on... except on CNN.

                              CNN hates Toronto... reason why? It's all about Baseball

                              The Toronto Blue Jay won the World Series two years in row and both times against the Atlanta Braves whom were owned by Ted Turner the SAME loser that owned CNN... and to this day they still can't get over it.

