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How do you know or can you tell whether...

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  • How do you know or can you tell whether...

    ...A ladyboy you spotted you started talking to and thinking about sitting and buying her a drink hasn't already been with someone earlier and is full of energy?
    How would you approach this? Do you just ask them and how would you know if they told you the truth?
    How can you tell if they are or are not on hormones, they are only bottom or not?
    Can you check their body and private parts before taking them out?
    I do not want to waste my time and money on a few ladyboys before I can find the right one.
    For us who have not been to Thailand or to a ladyboy bar yet.

  • #2
    Well you do not have to go with anyone just because you buy them a drink.
    To some extent you just have to choose who attracts you and then go from there.

    If you go to ladyboy bars early there is less chance they have been out with customers than if you show up later, of course.
    Popular ladyboys could go several times in an evening so being early means you could lock them up before they are too tuckered.

    Yes you would have to ask what they are into and all that. Sometimes you can asked the mamasan for the type of ladyboy you like.
    However at most bars you can ask what you want and often check out the goods while still drinking in the bar, more often than not they will show you anything you want to see.
    In most cases you will have no doubt whether they can perform and if they are not on too much hormones they will usually be into everything.
    For lying, well you can never be sure.

    You also have your choice to take them for a short time, usually 1-2 hours or long time which is usually Late night until morning or longer.
    There is cheap rooms you can rent for a short time so you can try them out if you don't want them back at your room.
    However you also have to pay bar fine to take a ladyboy out of a bar often up to 800 baht.

    Hanging out at a bar and choosing is part of the fun usually as long as you don't buy too many drinks.
    Getting the perfect one takes some trying sometimes, and often it is very hard to choose.

    Certainly it could be cheaper to try and meet ladyboys on websites like tinder or thai friendly.
    Unfortunately you have to kind of take your chances as you don't really get to meet them first.
    Then sometimes when you meet them, it is hard to get rid of them if you don't really like them.

    You can also meet them in discos and on the street but then you take a little more risk of the unknown.

    In Pattaya the bars a little more laid back for the most part compared to the gogo bars in Bangkok.
    The Gogo bars in Nana plaza have to be tried even if it costs you a few bucks the first time.
    The experience of getting the full treatment at one of these places can't be missed, even if you only do it once.

    Also viagra is available without a prescription all over Thailand...


    • #3
      Man you are a huge wealth of good information. I can't wait to go there and experience everything for myself. I will for sure come to this forum off and on to share my journey. Yes early is always better as with most go go bars. Honestly I think 800 is cheap for a barfine at least for a first timer.
      thanks again pal

      Speaking of Viagra being everywhere. Do you recommend street vendors or I am better off going to pharmacies and buy them?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Tropicalz
        Man you are a huge wealth of good information. I can't wait to go there and experience everything for myself. I will for sure come to this forum off and on to share my journey. Yes early is always better as with most go go bars. Honestly I think 800 is cheap for a barfine at least for a first timer.
        thanks again pal

        Speaking of Viagra being everywhere. Do you recommend street vendors or I am better off going to pharmacies and buy them?
        Everything is pretty cheap unless you get caught in the trap of buying too many lady drinks.
        However this will happen to everyone once or twice usually.

        800 baht is only the amount you pay the bar to be able to take the ladyboy outside.
        The ladyboys will charge you for their time usually starting around 2000.
        A short time room 600 and up for a couple hours, I think, but I have never stayed that long.

        Buying Viagra or similar is best purchased at a pharmacy.
        They will offer you Thai viagra for cheapest which seems to work fine.
        Usually they also offer the regular international Viagra for only a little cheaper than canada.

        You can buy it on the street for cheaper but it may not be real or pure.
        The kamagra gel is very good but seems is only available on the street.


        • #5
          Thanks Crag, a little cheaper than Canada is too expensive. generic Thai would be fine if they work. 2800 plus drinks etc beings the price up but I think still worth the experience at least a few times if you find exactly what you want. I am also hoping that I will meet a Ladyboy for relationship or just hanging out traveling together who knows. I am open to anything safe that crosses my path.

