Stogie's name appeared in nearly all of my answer sheets for this quiz
, notable exception was that of trusting someone to choose me a ladyboy of course
But seriously i have meet so many board members maybe 100 or 150 and really only have 3 on my shit list right now , which im not going to publish sorry . So its all good going
for the most part .
My good mates know who they are already , you guys make thailand an even better place to be , thanks
People i still want to meet include POL , Smuttley , Mai-Kee , mirimark , D33 , gr1mr3ap3r , Looker , allstar88 , Lance.R.Brand , Lefty , rossi30 (apologies if i have meet you already but have forgotten ) .
People i want to meet again as didnt really get a chance to have much of a conversation include , Bam , Torurot , Squirly , gunslinger .
People i want to go drinking with again include BitBeefy , mac73 , overthetop and anyone else that likes to get home when the sun is coming up or later
, come back soon lads .
But seriously i have meet so many board members maybe 100 or 150 and really only have 3 on my shit list right now , which im not going to publish sorry . So its all good going
My good mates know who they are already , you guys make thailand an even better place to be , thanks
People i still want to meet include POL , Smuttley , Mai-Kee , mirimark , D33 , gr1mr3ap3r , Looker , allstar88 , Lance.R.Brand , Lefty , rossi30 (apologies if i have meet you already but have forgotten ) .
People i want to meet again as didnt really get a chance to have much of a conversation include , Bam , Torurot , Squirly , gunslinger .
People i want to go drinking with again include BitBeefy , mac73 , overthetop and anyone else that likes to get home when the sun is coming up or later